No crash for 7 years , 2 in 1 month , will my insurance drop me


New member
As it says I have been driving since I was 18 and up to turning 26 I was never in a single crash. last month I was T boned in a blinking red light intersection, so it was a no fault. While my car was being repaired I was using my backup car and on my way to work in a parking lot there was a truck pulling up I stoped because I saw them going out and the guy got out of the spot and started to keep going backwards for no reason, he ran into me even after I honked and by the time I could put it in reverse he had hit me, he broke my headlight and damaged hood and bumper a little, I was gonna make a claim since I have witness, video and even police report, but once I mentioned that I was gonna make a claim a friend mentioned that after this I will probably be dropped by insurance even if they were not my fault, is he right, been scared to make Claim because I don’t want to lose coverage, I am in California

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