[NEW YORK] Some information about NYDOL and the Proof of Employment letters

@jamaix That WAS a qualifier. Having the job search affected was one of the qualifiers every time you claimed on the website and over the phone. So was having a family member become ill or die. It seems like they have restricted the qualifications for PUA retroactively
@resjudicata The job search being affected isn't and never was a qualifier. I promise, I have essentially memorized the UI section of the CARES Act and all of the UIPLs.

Having to quarantine because a household member tested positive or is sick with COVID was a qualifying factor.

Being instructed by a competent medical professional to have your household self-isolate because a member is high-risk was a qualifying factor.

Becoming the Head of a Household because someone died or was ill with COVID was a qualifying factor as well.

Nothing about job searches was ever included. You either needed to be employed then unemployed due to COVID or about to be employer or self-employed and then be unable to commence.

The full list is here https://wdr.doleta.gov/directives/attach/UIPL/UIPL\_16-20\_Change-6\_Attachment-1.pdf
@jamaix That was a helpful link ty. I thought it was. I can hear the robot on phone claims saying that lol
Still there are things not covered in the email sent out to people, and seemingly extra asks in providing proof
@resjudicata My best advice to you is to read the CARES Act section on PUA. There is an obscure mention of "seeking part-time employment" that was essentially mentioned, but then never clarified by the USDOL in any UIPL. Personally, since you honestly believed you qualified and don't seem to have lied, I would argue that I relied on that provision from the CARES Act. If you came before me and I was you judge, I would accept that and either approve you or recommend a waiver. It's not a slam dunk, but I think it is a good argument if you go into this informed. Good Luck - keep me posted.
@jamaix Hi,

My wife received this email on the 3rd, asking for documentation substantiating her PUA claim. She did not have employment in NY in 2019, since we moved to NY at the very end of 2019. She started a job on March 9, 2020, and was let go in June 2020. She filed her PUA claim shortly after being let go in June 2020. Since she doesn't have a 2019 W-2 substantiating employment in NY, what documentation should she submit? She has paystubs and a 2020 W-2 from her job that she started in March 2020, should she just submit those?

Sorry if I'm asking questions that have already been answered, this situation has us incredibly nervous and I just want to be 100% clear.

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