[NEW YORK] Some information about NYDOL and the Proof of Employment letters

@jamaix Hi, I am so confused and need some help if anyone has some insight. I do not have any of the following that was mentioned above. All I have is the 1120 form, CT-3, and NYC-2 form
@jamaix I am trying to help my dad on this. He is basically self employed and made his business under a corporation. He has been in this business for over 5 years now.
@karac Here is the UIPL from the USDOL that gives some information. He can try sending in what he has and see what happens, but be aware that he may never have qualified and may have to pay everything back.

Did he collect in 2021?

Question: My state generally finds that a corporate shareholder is not “unemployed” because he or she continues to act on behalf of the company. Is a corporate shareholder
eligible for PUA?

Answer: It depends. If the individual is a corporate shareholder and providing services for the corporation, the individual may be eligible for regular UC, depending on state law. If the individual performed services for the corporation and received compensation and is not eligible for regular UC, then he or she may be eligible for PUA, provided the individual is unemployed, partially unemployed, or unable or unavailable to work due to one or more of the COVID-19 related reasons listed in Section 2102(a)(3)(A)(ii)(I) of the CARES Act.

@jamaix Oh wow, he collected in 2020 and 2021, I believe. We are in NYC. The thing is, it's not a real corporation. It's a small shop with himself being the only worker.
@karac Normally, he should qualify, unless NY has some provision where he would not. Maybe talk to a tax professional that can help him know what exact docs show proof of personal employment income?
@karac I actually, in 2 years have only seen 2 other situations like this. Most people have sole props or LLCs and the ones with corps mainly opted for PPP loans to cover their lost salary. Do some Googling because I do remember seeing some sort of guidance on a couple of sites about it. I do know that he very possibly was completely eligible, but trying to figure out the best docs now is another story.

Search things like: corporation owner eligible for PUA. Did he need to send anything in at the beginning?
@jamaix Ya I tried googling and couldn't find anything in regards to which doc I can upload that he has. Than tried coming here. The only thing he submitted initially was an email from my sisters high-school stating that she will be online now. So, not only did he have no work but stayed at home for my teenage sister as well.

edit: He didn't want to tackle on any PPP loans. So, he just opted for the unemployment benefits.
@karac Hey there I'm sorry to reply so late, but my dad is in the exact same situation as this. He was basically self employed but under his own small corporation and now needs to provide documentation. Can you please, please tell me what he ended up doing? I can't find answers anywhere and would appreciate your help!
@scholiast https://dol.ny.gov/pua-documentation

Tax Return Form 1040 SE or Schedule C - Your Form 1040 SE or Schedule C must be for the year prior to year you applied for PUA benefits. For example, if you applied for PUA benefits in March 2020, your Form 1040 SE or Schedule C must be for calendar year 2019. You are not required to upload your entire tax return – please just submit Schedule SE (Form 1040) or Schedule C (Form 1040).

Copies of 1099 Form(s) - The 1099 Form must be for the year prior to year you applied for PUA benefits. For example, if you applied for PUA benefits in March 2020, your 1099 Form must be for calendar year 2019.

State or Federal Employer Identification Numbers

Business License

Business Receipts
@jamaix I hope you're still answering questions. I filed for pua in 2020 and was on disability for the previous year. My 2019 W2 is from the insurance company that paid me. Is that suitable documentation? I don't think I fall into any of the categories I have to choose from on https://pua.labor.ny.gov/. How should I proceed?
@april864 The 2019 W-2 would need to be earned income from employment, so that would not work.

What was the basis of your eligibility for PUA?

Do you have a 2020 W-2?
@jamaix Thank you for responding. I only have my 1099 from 2020 that I filed. I was on disability from 2018 to 2019. My last w-2 from earned income was in 2018. When I was ready to go back to work in 2020 the pandemic happened. I was on unemployment/pua from 2020 to part of 2021 until I became employed again.
@april864 What was the basis you your eligibility for filing for PUA?

Does the 2020 1099 cover any income from before you filed your claim?

If it does, how did you get paid and what proof do you have?
@jamaix The 2020 1099 is from unemployment compensation only.

The basis for eligibility in 2020 was that I had insufficient work history and was affected by COVID-19 in my job search. That was the reason given. When filing for UI labor asked for my 2018 w2 as proof of income since I didn't have one for 2019. They accepted it and approved me for ui and pua.
@april864 Unfortunately you did not actually qualify for PUA. But it doesn't sound like you lied to get it. Your job search being affected is not actually a qualifying factor.

Your best chance it to get a waiver.
@jamaix Yes, I followed their guidelines and provided full context at the time so I hope there isn't any issue. What is a waiver? And is there anything I should say to better my chance at receiving it?
@april864 You need to stick to the fact that you gave all of this information and were told you qualified. And that requiring you to pay it back now would be "against equity and good conscience."

Do some research here and on the web. If you have a lawyer, ask her for help (though most lawyers don't know Jack about UI).

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