[New York] PUA Documentation Troubleshooter

@karac Alright, well, I am definitely not a qualified tax professional, you have a question that is specifically for a qualified tax professional and I do not know if the accountant qualifies because just prima fascia, honestly it sounds ...
... that the person is participating in business functions where the business is reporting income and loss and the person is not filing any taxes themself.

Please direct the person to a qualified tax professional.

The New York website has a very explicit list of acceptable documents for self-employed, which I am assuming this would fall into.

Of the items you listed the closest items on the New York site listed as acceptable are business licenses and business receipts, but, as I'm sure you have already read, nowhere is it explicitly listed any of the tax forms that you have mentioned.

If the person that you are representing needs to hear it directly from the horse's mouth either direct them to the website or instruct them to call New York DOL

@jamaix - tagged in case there is some nuanced aspect of the forms mentioned that I am not aware of
@juan9080 It is my dad. And we tried asking his accountant- unfortunately he wasn't able to help us with this matter.

And thanks for tagging her, we had already spoke in a different thread
@karac Got it.

I'm certain that you know that I am not saying this stuff in a judgmental fashion.

But hey, don't you think that it's impossible that this guy is not finally taxes for himself? Do you think that he himself has set up an S corp?
@karac Worst comes to worse if he does not have a schedule C or a 1040es, he will probably end up just submitting all of the documents that you mentioned in your initial reply
@karac Hi,

In the interest of being a good moderator and human I am going back over replies related to the Pua documentation request from New York, humbly asking you to participate in a poll to generate aggregated user experience data that can be analyzed to help understand and even make predictions:

(I am hosting this on r/UnemploymentNY because the regular unemployment sub does not allow polls but this information will still be shared openly.)

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