[New York] Filed for UI on 4/13, I’m supposed to get partial UI, 1 effective day a week, but on my 3rd “Waiting Week”? Confused


New member
Was working 5 days a week FT, went down to 3 days a week because of Covid-19, filed for partial UI, in my account it says I’m valid for 1 effective day (don’t know why since I lost 2 days of work) but, I am now on my “3rd waiting week”, when I see its supposed to be 1 waiting week before payments are released, confused and don’t understand why, does anyone know why?

Thank you for any help.
@pray_daily A week for the unemployment is 4 effective days. You must serve 4 days unpaid and the proceeding claims will pay you a partial benefit. Although you have lost 2 days of work the 4 effective days is what is needed to be served. If you are working 3 days you are only serving 1 day a week.

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