[New York] Charged $1000 for unemplyment insurance when i havent been unemployed for years.


New member
I just received a letter saying i owe NY 1000 dollars for unemployment insurance when ive never filed for unemployment and ive been employed for years now. I cant call them till tomorrow but i figured id ask here for any advice on what to do or if someone knows what this might be from.

They also took my tax return to cover this charge and the letter says i have 10 days to pay it.

Edit: Another letter, the one saying they have taken my tax return says the debt date was 12/31/23
@pageturner Sounds like an issue with your Covid era claim. Not uncommon. Many people had issues with claims, incorrect reporting of income as just one example. It takes a few years very often for these to reach collection stage.
@ema20 My accountant in 2021 filed my taxes wrong and i had to pay 1500 dollars back to irs so not sure if thats what its from but why did it take 2 years for this one to come through? Ughhhhh
@pageturner This likely has nothing to do with the IRS. This is a simple overpayment that stems from your pandemic era claim. Top four causes: You never verified your identity, you did not send proof of employment from 2020 (if PUA), you misreported your earnings and received benefits to which you were not entitled, they asked you for some information and you did not respond so you were retroactively found ineligible.

About 96% of these cases are caused by this and there are 100s of posts here discussing it. You need to call and find out what caused the overpayment. Somethings are somewhat fixable. However, when it gets to this point, they have send you at least 10 letters regarding it. They can't just seize your taxes without a ton of notification and opportunity to fix the issue (or pay the overpayment).
@ema20 Ugh word well ill find out tomorrow whats going on with it but also mini rant, fuck accountants that they took my 300 dollars and fucked everything up so i owe a total of 2500 and cant be held responsible for it.

Dont use him anymore btw haha
@pageturner And did you withhold taxes while claiming unemployment and did you even report your unemployment on your tax return? The IRS takes about 3 4 years to catch up with missing taxes. Also, new York only withholds 2.5% state taxes out of your unemployment even if you did withhold so if you didn't pay it back then it means you likely didn't report it on your taxes at all.
@pageturner Someone might have opened a claim in your name. You might be a victim of ID theft. You won’t know until you find out what they have in your name.
@pageturner You didn’t mention in the OP that you filed a claim during the pandemic. This is overwhelmingly likely to be related on an inelligibility on your previous claim causing an overpayment. Other posters in this threat have pointed towards the most obvious causes: earnings audit disagrees with the earnings you reported, failure to provide DUA proof after a given date, failure to provide proof of identity and in some states to complete a third party dedication service like id.me, or some other issue with the claim. Fill out a contact request form or however you can get in touch with NY and learn what the issue is.

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