New to investing in index funds, please review my portfolio


New member
I am using Scalable Capital:
  • Activision Blizzard Inc
  • iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF
  • Invesco MSCI World UCITS ETF
  • Starbucks Corp
  • Xtrackers MSCI World Swap UCITS ETF 1C
  • iShares MSCI World UCITS ETF USD (Dist)
  • Xtrackers MSCI World UCITS ETF 1C
  • Xtrackers MSCI World Quality UCITS ETF 1C
  • Invesco S&P 500 UCITS ETF
  • Xtrackers MSCI World Swap UCITS ETF 4C - EUR Hedged
  • iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF USD (Dist)
  • Xtrackers S&P 500 Swap UCITS ETF 1C
  • SDPR S&P 500 Low Volatility UCITS ETF (Acc)
  • iShares S&P 500 Information Technology Sector UCITS ETF
  • Xtrackers S&P 500 UCITS ETF 1C - EUR Hedged
  • Vanguard Funds PLC - Vanguard FTSE All-World High Dividend Yield UCITS ETF - (USD) Accumulating
  • Inc
  • Vanguard Funds PLC - Vanguard FTSE All-World UCITS ETF - (USD) Accumulating
  • Vanguard Funds PLC - Vanguard FTSE All-World UCITS ETF - (USD) Distributing
I have 1812 Euros invested into all of the above. So far, my main strategy is to just look at the all-time trend and if it is generally trending upwards then I decide to buy a share.
@mannis Should I just limit myself to a select few index funds? My main plan was to sort of spread the risk by buying as many different types of index funds as possible. Which of the above would you recommend I simply drop out?
@st3p4n Keep it simple! No need to buy all the ETFs available. Every transaction has a cost so by having less ETFs, you’ll also have less transactions.
@st3p4n What the hell is this. Why are you buying Blizzard and Starbucks, do you even know what these companies do? Also, why do you have like 17 different ETFs?
@st3p4n It’s not Pokémon’s you don’t have to collect them all.
Different all world tickers don’t make it more diversified. Instead of increasing exposure on Amazon which is usually in top 10 of all the big ETF you could look into small and medium size companies ETFs.
But best to read first what these ETFs are made of. Which countries and which sectors and decide why would you want overexposure in one over another.
@st3p4n Not financial advice, but definitely one of the worst I've seen since I join here.

Not sure what kind of strategy you have other than an ETF collector.

If you are into buying all the ETFs available in the market, let us know once you finished.

For just 1800€ it makes absolutely no sense. Please read and inform yourself about investment strategies. It is clear you have no strategy and/or idea of what you are doing
@hailsatan420 What I read was to only focus on SNP500 and All world and that's what I am doing here. But it's clear I am buying too many different ETFs.

Can you give me an example of an ETF I should drop from my portfolio and why I should do that? I can then use that as a pointer to decide which of the other ETFs in my portfolio I should also drop.
@st3p4n If you want to invest world and US, choose 1 all word (MSCI or FTSE) and 1 SP500 etf. Sell everything else.

Example: VWRL (dist)/VWCE (acc) [pick 1] and SRX8 or equivalent
@st3p4n I’ll suggest to start with one tracking a world index.

I see that you have some ETFs which are Accumulating and others Distributing. You would want one or the other depending on the fiscal laws of your country of residency.
@st3p4n So if I understand correctly, you bought financial instruments, which you don’t really understand? There’s plenty of online ressources, which will help you. Right now, I think you should focus on reading and building knowledge on the topic.

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