[New Jersey] so I filed on 5/5 and got approved 5/8 pretty quickly but it won’t let me certify until 5/22? Why?


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I got approved fairly quickly which was a surprise but it’s saying I can’t certify until may 22nd? So does that mean I’ll get back pay? I verified my identity and I’m waiting till the 22nd . If I was already approved why do I have wait nearly two weeks to certify and get payments?

So am I actually approved or ? When I check status it just says filed. But when I log into existing account it says my claim is approved and that I can begin certifying may 22nd. So is there a chance that between the next 17 days they can take the approval away?
@doogles You were not approved. You just received a monetary determination letter saying you earned enough and that is how much you will get if you get approved officially. New jersey makes you wait 17 days to certify the first time. If there are no issues you will get paid for those weeks.
@vlavender I will try. I’m pretty sure I can post a img link if I upload somewhere . I’m trust me I’m not getting my hopes up. I had a dispute with my job and i seriously doubt it would be this FAST and approved . When I filed I already had the intentions of looking for another job and prepare for an appeal . This is my third time trying unemployment last time during the Paendemic I got out the military and was trying to get through to the offices and had no luck so I kinda wasn’t expecting it to go THIS smoothly
@vlavender Also I noticed that online previously I didn’t have a date to be paid but now today I have a date. But yeah I’ll wait and see the next couple days and prepare for whatever
@doogles You received a monetary determination. This doesn't mean that you are eligible to collect. The waiting period allows time for your employer to respond to verify your work separation and for NJDOL to review your claim. By default, claims are turned off. If you are eligible to collect, the claim will be turned on within 17 days and you can certify for the previous weeks. If you certify early, you won't know if it's because the claim is turned off or there is an eligibility hold.

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