[New Jersey] "N.J. will not extend pandemic unemployment benefits to 500K residents, source says"

@rdupreez Gotta love it. And all that money is going to Afghan refugees that are being “welcomed with open arms” now. In case you thought liberals care about you.

What also cracks me up is when they mentioned how now Black and Hispanic (I’m half Puerto Rican) families are gonna have trouble now. What happened to the BLM rally Murphy broke his own Covid rules to participate in? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Black lives matter just about as much as white, hispanic, Asian, indigenous, etc lives to these people... Too bad that’s clearly not saying much.
@rdupreez He’s gonna lose in November . People don’t view him as a superhero anymore ... he’s exposed himself as a rich former stock broker who has NO compassion. His heart is stone lol
He’s carving out his own defeat and I’m not a republican at all ... I’m independent . I wouldn’t hold my breathe for any of these career politicians to give a crap about any of us . Just being real. I hope he gets voted out .
He’s gonna lose in November

The latest polling suggests this is highly unlikely. Not only is he leading by a lot with Democrats but also leading with independents. The only place Ciattarelli has a lead is in the southern part of the state. Murphy will likely win even if a lot of Democrats stay home.
@snowangel26 thats a shame. I am skeptical of the polling. I'm not a republican so I don't support either candidate. just to be clear with you. I do not like any of these people. They are career politician and they have no soul. look at the way they treat us and divide us! none of them care. and they will further divide us until we lose our humanity and become animals.
@snowangel26 we can agree to disagree thats why we are in America to freely express our views. and those are just that-views . me and you have not spoken facts. we have spoken our opinions and even as they differ. I still respect you as a human being. I am sorry if I came off in any way towards you as this is a very unpredictable and volatile time for us all. we all have our own issues and hardships. no one knows what battle each other are fighting. my apologies. sincerely, I am going to take responsibility for my last comment towards you and delete it as I don't feel it was in good taste and it was an emotional reaction I had to what you said.
@rdupreez I mean...this was obvious. Now what are the WH/Congress going to do?

The governor plans to say he won’t extend the benefits because it would

cost the state hundreds of millions of dollars each week, according to a

source with knowledge of the governor’s announcement who spoke on the

condition of anonymity.

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