New HMO with new company, with pre-existing conditions


New member
hi please i hope you can help me. i've been losing sleep over this the past days.

So i've just resigned from my current company that i've been with for 5 years. i'm currently on the required 30-day turnover period and now doing the paperwork for my next company.

During the past year kasi, i've developed a chronic condition (chronic nerve pain relating to neck spine instability), and i've been undergoing expensive treatments that was covered by my current hmo (medicard) from my current company. NOW, the hmo of my next employer which is Maxicare, is asking for my medical and claims history in their membership form.

Now, if I disclose my medical and claims history,

- will my next employer retract my offer

- will Maxicare, the new HMO, NOT cover my pre-existing condition and relevant ongoing treatments. or at least lower my coverage??

What's my best course of action? Do i have an option NOT to disclose?

Ideal for me is to of course retain the job offer, and retain the agreed HMO coverage (i badly NEED the hmo coverage) - though the hmo specifics weren't indicated in the contract that i've just signed. tysm in advance for the help.

TLDR: concern over new employer retracting job offer or new hmo not covering my pre-existing condition.
@ephesians321 Not sure if new employer will retract their offer due to your pre existing conditions. But always declare your pre existing conditions so wont have problems during claims.
Its up to the underwriting team to decide on whether your conditions are insurable or not.

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