New Halal Stock Screener: Feedback Required!

@usmckoontz Salam, love the app and it’s easy to move around within the app unlike certain competitors.

I think one feature that could super helpful is if you included a calculation of the purification needed for each company per stock. For example Apple will require .0004 purification per stock.

Another thing that I saw was that under apple it shows services as being part of their halal businesses. However as we all know Apple Music is part of their service business and it not halal. That needs to be tweaked. Not sure if the 10k sheets show the breakdown in revenue from each part of the company granular enough like that.

This issue also happens with Amazon and Costco which sell many haram things that make them questionable but your app doesn’t really show that at least not that I saw.
@mamacub63 Will do- just to confirm are you just looking for 0% haram business activities, or are you looking at the financial screens aswell?

so no Interest bearing debt, no interest bearing investments and no liquidity?
@usmckoontz Basically I am looking for no income from haram activities and, no interest expense(because some times debt can be interest free especially loans made by the founder to the company etc.) And I'm not really worried about the liquidity of the company.
@mamacub63 Salam, do you mind discussing how/what you’re investing in? I am of a similar mind set but am unsure of how to proceed. Haven’t invested in anything besides crypto due to this issue

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