
New member
Hi, M/37 married with a 8 yo kid. Had some doubt about my financial status and how should i go from here. My current situation:
  1. Home Loan 1: 53 lakhs outstanding (1.10 crore property value)
  2. Home Loan 2: 1.70 Crore outstanding (1.90 crore property value)
  3. Car Loan 1: Paid off
  4. Car Loan 2: 12 lakhs outstanding
  5. CC rolling debt: 1-1.5 lakhs
Equity: 5 lakhs
MF: 11 lakhs

Rent receipts: 30,000.00
Take home : 3-4 Lakhs per month

This is my earning alone, I am a self employed individual. My wife is employed and earns around 2 L per month which is invested in espos and MFs

Would like to know what does the above financials mean? Am i doing good or am i too leveraged.

Also, with the home loan 2 planning on pre paymentof 3 emis annually. Does this make sense or should i be investing that amount in MF

Thanks in advance!

Edit —————- on 24.02.24

Further additions:

Thanks for all the good hearted advice. Have read all your comments, and was able to come to a few decisions. Just to put things more clear, below are further details that i seem to have missed but should have mentioned earlier;

Insurance: Health Insurance: 15 Lakhs + 15 lakhs (me and wife) Term Insurance: 5 crs (me) 2 crs (wife)

Liquidity: FD: 5 lacs Cash: 8-10 lacs Gold/ gold bonds: 8-10 lacs

The above is in an individual capacity. Business savings and FDs are separate.

Retirement planning: Max out on PPF Rental incomes

Credit Card: I have a card from Citibank (limit of 3 Lacs) insisted on lower limit to discourage unnecessary spending. The card is being used as more of a last minute emergency swipe (medical emergencies or such exigencies) and not for shopping.

I do feel that the loans are a burden but down the years if the loan is paid of in 10 years (as is the plan) I feel the portfolio would be much better. Having said that i do feel that i heavily invested in real estate but nothing better is what i feel.

Business: No cc, no od. Healthy cash flow. Debtors to creditors ratio is almost at par. Healthy revenue stream.

Also, the wife’s income is invested with a view to cater to my kids needs and requirements in the future.

Hope this helps to guide me further.

Looking forward to honest feedbacks. Thanks in advance.

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