@alice59 yeah what i read here is total overkill one guy writing 3 million + own home, gives you 10k per month gross without rent, AND 3 million in savings, what the fuck :D 1500 and you life a comfortable life
@hillpalash I'd say €1m excluding primary residence is enough for most people. This allows for €40k per year to live on which is nice when you are not paying rent or mortgage.
@bradely Yeah that's true. If you substract inflation from the projected returns in a compound interest calculator you can see the real value of your projected net worth. I think that is more valuable than in absolute number as a goal.
@bradely The 5% rule asks “how much can I draw down over a long period per month, adjusted for inflation over time, tested against previous investment returns over the last 100 years”. To be honest I think if anything it is too conservative.
@mkrist It's actually (with the end years bonus for christmas) ~17.5k€. And yes it's very much doable in my opinion, however you can't really save with that kind of money so to get to 400k you need to have 2000€ net salary at the moment.

Everything is so expensive in Slovenia currently, even tourists agree and they are usualy from a wealthier countries.
@hillpalash I need 2k eur a month to keep my lifestyle in Prague, and that is considering rent.

That would be 600k invested, however since I plan to retire in 25-30 years and there is also inflation, my goal is 1.5m minimum and 2m ideally. Also, I would (hopefully) have my own place.
@hillpalash 5% p.a. is an aggressive withdrawal rate. I targeted 3.5% myself.

Further, it really depends on where in Spain you live. The wealth tax has basically ruined my early retirement plans in Spain although I plan to move to Cantabria now that they plan to exempt wealth tax v1.0 like Madrid and Andalucía (wealth tax v2.0 doesn't affect me yet).

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