Nest Egg Risk Diversification


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34F GC holder with an Indian passport, married to Indian origin 2nd generation US citizen. One 4 yo. Plans for 1 more by next year.

Was in the Indian tech workforce since 2012, spread across 2 FAANGs, out of which 6 years were in the USA. Resigned last month.

Had a side gig since 2016 via a self-owned and operated tech firm serving clients in Europe. Used to reroute invoices via Dubai and Singapore to save tax. Wound that up this March due to fatigue and fear of the paper trail leading to potential tax investigations.

2019-2024 was really kind in terms of the side gig's income..made a combined USD 13 mn in net income from this. Also, stock investments made way back from 2013-2015 proved their worth too.

Have sold all real estate in India, moved back to my family house and have finalized plans to call it a day and move stateside by this July.

Current own NW of USD 23.8 mn, out of which:

A......5.6 mn are in US stocks (NVIDIA, BRK-A, AAPL, META and Broadcom)

B......13.8 mn in owned property, out of which 5.2 mn is for a 2 residential properties in Palo Alto and 8.6 mn is equity in student housing properties across Boston and Florida.

C....2.5 mn in T-Bills and foreign currency

D....1.9 mn in emergency liquid funds, (including the equivalent of 0.7 mn in INR liquid deposits and gold instruments)


How do I diversify risk?

It's as hard to keep an ironclad grip on your nest egg as it is to make that money.

Ive heard enough from my better half that I have too much stock equity exposure. Have already cashed out 4.2 mn worth of NVIDIA and AAPL this year. Planning to move 2.5 mn more from tech stocks to low risks optikns like BRK-A. Seeing that there is a tech recession incoming, should I diversify more? It's a strict no to derivatives.

Looking to divest 50-70 pc of the student housing portfolio, since the total 2022-2023 income streams from these properties alone saw a combined 300k dip.Looking for suggestions into commercial property. Tongue in cheek, can i be a Chick-Fil-A franchisee without being a Bible lover?

The USD emergency liquid fund...anyway to reduce inflationary pressure on this? Any temporary tax saving instruments with 3-6 month windows?

My PWM has me a bit confused with his gooky answers to the above. Go nuts, folks. Roast me for all i care. Just give me some note worthy solutions.
@dnntau Spot on. Check in US sub or FIRE sub.
  1. HYSA for liquid emergency fund.
  2. Yes, your equity portfolio is too concentrated for nest egg. Not more than 10% in one single stock. May be BRK-A may be an exception since it is more of an investment vehicle.
  3. Property portfolio - be conservative on leverage and cashflow. Leveraged investments unwind very quickly like a house of cards if cashflow cushion cannot bear a downturn.
For everything else, as r/FIRE loves to say, go fuck yourself. You have done well! 👍
@brione Here's a sneak peek of /r/Fire using the top posts of the year!

#1: Bye guys, I have to unsubscribe from all fire subs cause my mental health is going down the drain from reading "finally at 1m nw at 27!" or "4.3m cash, 29, can I retire?" or "28 dinks with 350k hhi!", "24yo with 500k portfolio!"

#2: 38F hit $1mil net worth today 🥳

#3: My agenda for today: I’m going to go fuck myself.

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