Neighbors house fire damaged my house


New member
A fire broke out at my neighbor's house and spread to my property, causing damage.

Home Owners Insurance
LaSalle County, Illinois

On Monday, a fire that started in my neighbor's house unfortunately spread to mine. The local fire department was able to extinguish the fire in my house quickly and then proceeded to extinguish the fire in my neighbor's house.

There was significant heat damage to my residence due to the fire, including a hole in the exterior North attic caused by the flames.

The fire department has assessed the damage and determined that the structure of our house is intact and habitable.

The north and parts of the west exterior walls/side walls were damaged, including melted siding, exterior attic with charring (not sure of inside), broken glass windows, and damage to an enclosed trailer in our driveway.

I called my insurance agent and he asked if I contacted their insurance. Then processed to tell me to go a head and make a claim with my homeowners and then they will subrogate theirs as repairs will be faster.

The Fire Department told me I have rights to reports.

It is believed that the electrical system of the Neighbors Hot Tub, along with the six propane tanks on the porch, were the cause of the incident.

  1. Will my insurance rates increase if I file a claim? What happens if the insurance company is unable to recover damages through subrogation?
  2. How do I file a claim with the other party's insurance company? Do I need to contact the insurance company directly and wait for them to send representatives to assess the damages? What happens if certain damages are not covered by their insurance policy?
  3. Do i need to contact a restoration company to tarp off the hole on side wall attic? If i dont cover and rain enters, does that void claim?
    Who do I submit that informatuon to?
I was told to get the police report and a copy of the fire departments report, do I submit this information with claim?

The fire that jumped from my neighbors to my house was in the attic, which is directly above my bedroom. As a result, my bedroom has sustained external damage and I have detected the odor of fire debris and soot. Additionally, the double-paned exterior glass of my window has been broken and there appears to be a faint gray residue on the upper portions of the walls.
Do I contact services of a professional cleaning and restoration company to address the damage?

5) I have a deck with stairs and I am concerned about the structural integrity due to heat damage. How should I address this issue?

6) Is there anything else I should be aware of or that may assist me in this insurance process?

I would appreciate any guidance you can provide on the process of reporting this information to my insurance claim and the appropriate terminology to use when communicating with my insurance provider.
  1. Maybe, maybe not, insurers can use claim info like this anyway they choose. If your carrier doesn’t recover damages from your neighbor’s carrier then you’ll owe your deductible.
  2. Ask your neighbor for their carrier and claim info and give it to your adjuster, your carrier will determine how/if they need to recover damages from the neighbor’s carrier.
  3. It’s a good idea to start contacting contractors to fix damages, it is your duty to prevent more damage from occurring. Submit the estimates and any costs you incur to your adjuster.

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