
New member
So I basically slept through the whole year and just realised that I hadn’t maxed out my 80C by 80K.

I just did an 80k lump sum into an ELSS today but later got to know that market is closed tomorrow and will only open in April i.e next FY.

I need to know if this investment will count for this year otherwise I’ll probably look for alternate ways.

@greensquirrel But you made the investment today around 9:30 AM. So, you'll receive today's NAV (which is also mentioned on the app).

It will be accounted for in this FY only.
@greensquirrel That's the maximum time. AMC something takes longer time. Most probably it'll be done by tomorrow.

Anyway, the NAV date matters. It's absolutely fine even if it isn't completed by March 31st.
@greensquirrel If the payment to AMC was made before 2pm, it would be counted in this year and today's NAV will be applicable

If done after, it will be for next year and you are fucked
@greensquirrel Bro just in case you have spare money, just invest in PPF.

The transfer happens immediately. So that would imply this FY only.

Also, if you have taken term insurance that comes under 80C. EPF also comes under 80C.

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