Need Info on Best Type of Company to Work For-Preset Appointments/Leads (New Agent)


New member
Hey y’all, I’ve been a registered life insurance agent for a few months now. I already have a job with a solid life insurance company, but I’m looking around to see if there is a better fit for me.

My ideal role is one where I don’t pay for leads, is fully remote, offers a high percentage compensation, can be part-time/work on your own schedule, and offers preset appointments.

Is anyone familiar with a company that could provide this? Also, if anyone has experience using preset appointments then I’d love to hear more about that.
@vanillakay You have to decide which you want more, High comp or free leads.

Any company that is paying for your leads and setting your appointments for you isn’t giving you a high percentage commission they’re the only ones with skin in the game and taking any risk. The comp is the only way to really get their return.
You’d also be on their time and not make your own schedule. Most likely a W2 employee for an agency.

If you want to work your own schedule and have a high commission you’d be better off being independent (1099) but you’d have to pay for your own leads but you can possibly find an imo that has cheap leads for you to buy
@vanillakay I’d recommend two things:
  1. Get over the fear of buying your own leads. 1099 is where the money is.
  2. Do no go to Family First Life (FFL). You’re welcome to DM me and I can let you know the company I am associated with with great comp, and high quality leads.
@elegantatheist There’s too many reasons to type. But my big reason is the leads are being sold to multiple agents at once without their knowledge, and the profit goes right back to that coke ball of a CEO they have.

FFL does not care if you write an application because they’ve already made a nice profit off the lead. They are also under investigation by the FTC.
@elegantatheist A link? Like an article? I don’t think enough people care for anyone to publish something on this particular case. If you’ve been in the industry long enough I think it just becomes general knowledge that FFL is shady.
@vanillakay You can't have it both ways. You'll need to decide what fits best. The 1099 side where you make your own schedule, buy your own leads, work as independent, and get a higher commission, or the W2 side which is more scheduled base. Sounds to me you want all the work done for you while getting the highest commission. It doesn't work that way in the industry. You have to invest in yourself to have success.
@vanillakay Yea we pay for our own leads but come work with us at FFL knockout. First team in insurance to go from 0-1mil IP a month. We have the best training in the game. And if your already licensed we will START you at 105% comp. get at me for details
@vanillakay Yea we pay for our own leads but come work with us at FFL knockout. First team in insurance to go from 0-1mil IP a month. We have the best training in the game. And if your already licensed we will START you at 105% comp. get at me for details. Fits the rest of your criteria except presets and free leads. In the end someone’s paying for the leads and if you want to make real money being in control of your own leads is where it’s at. Get at me if your interested

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