Need help with investing some extra money


New member
I am currently 19 y/o. My dad has given me approximately 7.5 lakhs to invest. I had already invested in companies like ioc, Chennai petroleum and idfc first bank. Any other suggestions where should Invest this money in? I am fine with SIPs in MFs as well for long term. Thank you so much.
@vienchonglaohoa Firstly decide if you wanna invest for long term (5-7-10 years ) or short term .
And what is your risk appetite.
If you don't have time to do analysis yourself and study markets then better invest in any passive NIFTY mutual fund (time horizon 3-5 years) preferably do SIP in it and add lumpsum (while continuing the SIP) when market crashes like covid crash or 2022 market crash.

If you want to do direct stock investing then first learn about markets properly.
Some good stocks i would suggest for long term is Varun beverages , idfc first bank , tata motors , LT etc.
Also please do your own research and analysis before investing in them.
@lalaw Don't be so harsh man. He's just asking for suggestions or a tip.

I've done my job..suggested him some fundamentally good stock as per my view. Even mentioned him to do his own research before investing...if not , then the consequences he will only face.
@danielwright2311 I think i can take medium to high risk with this money because my I have sole discretion to do whatever i want with it. For larger amounts i have to consult before investing. I have already invested in a few of the stocks you mentioned above. I also make 10-15k a month by freelancing for making designs and websites. Thanks for the info dude
@vienchonglaohoa See, I'd be really honest buddy. You need to have atleast the end goal clear. 10 people will say 10 things only for you to figure out your goal at the end anyways. 7.5 Lacs isn't something you'd invest just like that, unless this was given with a communication "Zero or Hero".
@vienchonglaohoa The fact that you are asking this question means that you aren't financially educated yet. I am roughly in your same situation. I have 3L to invest per year given by my dad.

Before doing anything, you need to become financially educated. Read books that teach u about both the mindset of investing, and the technicals of investing. Rich dad Poor dad is the best for the former. Varsity by Zerodha is a good introduction into the latter. And keep reading deeper about new things and gaining knowledge first.

When you do this, you will know what investments are good by yourself, u won't need other people's advice. U will be able to formulate an investment strategy by yourself.

And since your dad is asking you to invest, why don't you ask him to teach u about investing?
@belan Fyi the money he gave me wasn’t for investing it was just like a gift. It is my choice to invest it. I havw already read like 15-20 books and i trade in equity and futures(rich dad poor dad is too basic and doesn’t provide enough information and value). My posts motive was to gain other people’s opinions and knowledge and things like SGBs, T-Bills, REITs, etc. I have already invested over 25 lakhs into equity and i wanted to diversify my investments
@vienchonglaohoa Oh I see. I am honestly a beginner to investing so I can't comment on these things, and if you're investing such amounts of money (25L+) i feel a professional investment advisor might be able to give u better answers for ur questions no?
@belan Maybe but my dad is not that fond of portfolio managers.And If you want to read actually good books i’d recommend the intelligent investor, the lords of easy money, just keep buying and the psychology of money. Thanks for your help bro
@vienchonglaohoa What's your overall allocation like? And what apps do you use to track? I use Zerodha, which has a pretty good console to oversee all my investments, and also Artos, cos it helps find some extra info on MFs and compare them and all.

If you wanna go all in on equity, and are okay with risk, I'd say spread it across a large-cap index fund, midcap index fund, and some in small-cap (maybe active if TER is not bad).

if you're investing a large sum, spreading it out as an SIP wouldn't hurt cos right now the market is a bit high; could fluctuate.

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