Need help filing auto claim


New member
I rear ended someone and there was only damage to my vehicle. It was a busy street and full of traffic so I suggested we drive and pull over at a store to not block traffic. I knew I was at fault so I wanted to exchange info/call cops whatever necessary but the guy said it wasn't necessary so I left it at that. Naive I know. But I was crying and I think the person saw that and took pity. I didn't want to worry my family so I lied and said someone backed into me while parked and didnt see. Should I tell the insurance the truth or tell them I was rear ended? I'm just worried the person will come for me later but he didnt take a pic of my license plate and no cops have called or my insurance....
@etaters Get an estimate first, if the other car had no damage then yours might not cost much more than your deductible to fix it.

Don't lie to the insurance company about what happened
@etaters Never lie to the insurance company. Material misrepresentation can get your policy revoked, claim denied and could result in criminal charges.

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