Need help building a parachute please!


New member
Hi All,

I’m 58 y.o. living in SE Asia in a LCOL country, no kids, no debt and own two houses.

I joined this sub after I became the beneficiary of a generous inheritance.

We’ll cut right to the chase here:

MSFT -2000 shares (About $635K) which is a nice problem to have except it’s 80% of my portfolio. I felt great about that in June, but have been feeling 'less great' lately as it's been moving sideways

SCHD -$14K





IRA -$63K

Ideally I’d like to stop working after my contract ends in May 2024 and live off a combination of interest and dividends. My current expenses are running about $20K annually so it should be doable.

I’d appreciate any thoughts on how best to diversify the MSFT to make this work.

Thank you for your time
@rahul969 Hi Joe, also planning to retire to Thailand in 4 or 5 years and will have a similar amount to you. The advice I’ve been given is to primarily invest in global index funds whilst keeping at least a couple of years in cash available to use when the market is in a downturn. In your situation, you could move the MSFT into a global index fund, keeping some in cash as well if you wished. Not sure on the best funds for US as I’m based in the UK, but you could start by looking at Vanguard
@rahul969 That's my dream, I'm 40 and heading that way. Could sell everything now and be about at the same point you are monetary speaking. Also no kids and wife. I'm thinking work another 5-7 years and do it. Then maybe take only the jobs i really want, depending.

How are insurance
@kristia Yeah, it’s a dream alright :) good luck to you as well if that’s something you’re leaning towards. Insurance is currently linked to my job so I’d have to seek coverage upon retirement, but it’s fairly straightforward here and I’m thankfully in good health

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