Need help 17 y/o


New member
So basically I’m 17, I have my junior license but my family can’t afford the $450 a month to add me to their plan. Is there any way I can work around this?
@allie_2 You can have them shop around to see if they can find a better rate. Have them call an independent agent, they’re free to use and can help a lot with making shopping around easier.

But no, you don’t really have any options here. You need to be listed on their policy to drive.
@allie_2 Insurance is extremely expensive for young drivers. There is no cheap insurance for young drivers. Its the reason my own mother told me I'd have to have money for insurance before I could take my test.

I work for Farmers. Ask for any discounts. Drivers on a permit can be added with no charge until they are licensed. Licensed drivers qualify for a good student discount (3.0 gpa or better) and the Yes! Discount( a simple safety course and pledge).

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