Need Genuine Advice On Car Insurance Mileage


New member
I’m currently 8 Months into my 12 Month Car insurance policy, and I settled my annual mileage for
10,000 miles.

But Yesterday I checked how much I have done and I’m sat at 9,997 miles, which I then called up my insurance company and asked them if they could update my mileage up to 16,000.

They then told me they couldn’t get a Quote, and that they could only offer me a extra 2,000 miles, and not the extra 6,000 I had asked for. I took the offer up because I really need the extra miles.

But I know for a fact that’s only going to last me about 2 months, 3 at a very push. And I’m only 1 year & 8 months into my driving and I really need to earn this 2 Years NCB.

But I’m so stuck on what to do and could really use some advice on what to do.
@gloriousday What company
I am independent agent and I have never seen a claim denied cause you why over mileage in one 30 years.
Also never told a client they could have 2k miles.

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