Need cheaper insurance


New member
My car is in my moms name, insurance is too but I’m listed as a driver. We currently have full coverage on root for $345 (my deductibles are $250/$100 and my rental is $50 a day but it was practically the same amount to just get the $30 rental) I had tried a couple of places online and the rates were crazy, I think progressive wanted like $700! I had a wreck in January, turned in my plates and canceled the insurance end of January/beginning of February then got this car March 22nd and got root right away. One of the places I called originally found me a plan for about $400 but then it jumped up to $600 a month because “you don’t have 6 months of consecutive coverage” even though we had no vehicle from February to March so why the heck would we have insurance? We had go auto before that for years and years. Even the rep I spoke to said it was ridiculous that it went up for not having 6 months of coverage when I didn’t even have a car. Also my biggest issue with root is that they track everything through your phone! My braking is great, but I always get “lots of phone usage” but a lot of times I’m the passenger or my daughter has my phone, or I have my GPS on or my Pandora on. Do they consider GPS/Pandora to be phone usage? What can/should I do? Do y’all know of any other companies that may be cheaper? Or how can I get my root insurance down? I have a feeling root may be my cheapest option.
@elsa What state are you in? Insurance is different by state and the cheapest company differs from person to person. I'd recommend an independent agent to search companies for you. Only other way to make it cheaper is to raise deductible and lower coverage.
@elsa No one knows which company will have the best rates for you. Theres just too many things we don't me, and shouldn't know about you that determines your rates. Like your full name, address, DOB, SS#, etc. Call and get quotes. Just make sure you're comparing the same coverages.
@elsa Best bet is too call around and get quotes from all your available agents. Or, like someone else said, get an independent agent.
Before I got an independent agent I would call around every other year. Which place offered the best price per coverage changed every time, and I changed companies frequently.
Set aside an hour or two on a free day and settle in, make some calls. :)

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