
New member
I am 24 and just graduated in February. I have a small business i started when i was in uni but stopped 2 months ago as my single mom opposed and want me to have a ‘real job’ instead but now i am unemployed mainly because of the rona. Here are the problems:
1) i live in a really small town that didn’t really have vacancies. Even if there are, it’s physical works for men.
2) i want to go to a bigger town bcs of easy public transport access, (I can’t drive or ride a motorcycle because of my trauma) even for a retail or odd job but can’t now because of the cross state restriction.
3) i am currently doing freelance graphic design but hard to get customer.
4) i took two loans in uni. Most probably will get shitted on for this but i did bcs my mom said she can’t afford me to go to uni and if i did, I shouldn’t ever ask her for money and i never did until i grad. I get JA and never really cancel my PTPN bcs i was scared i will have no money to live on considering i also use Grab to commute.

now i’m scared of my 70k total loans and how i will pay it back. Does they ask for a lot every month? I didn’t receive the pay-back letter yet but i feel screwed thinking if i can survive. I have savings but don’t know how long it can suffice and if i should use the money when i can migrate to bigger city later. I’m afraid of being blacklisted considering i breached the contract of only one loan per time.
@comikid338 Not sure if AKPK deals with student loan but.......

Going for AKPK and if AKPK help you to liaise with PTPTN via the DMP (Debt Management Program), then you will be flagged as a AKPK account and generally cannot apply for credit card, loan until the debt is cleared.

Even if you cleared it, future banks can still see it in your CCRIS that so it may still affect your future loans (in terms of interest rate that you can get to even eligibility)

anyway, if your current debt is PTPTN only, please contact PTPTN first and see what can be done.

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