Need advice re: daughter still in school becomes the family bank + investment plan

@rachelr15 At the very least, have your bank accounts and investments under your name only - not joint accounts/joint ownership with them. And see if you can clarify with or instruct your scholarship unit to make sure that under no circumstances is your allowance to be given to them without your express consent
@godisanamazinggod Thinking about it, yeah. There used to be a good feeling. Like a real child finally fulfilling a parent's request. I thought it was natural. That its ok since I was able to help. I should've known better.

Thank you for pointing this out to me. Thank you.
@rachelr15 Move out. Talk to them about it. Explain it. Then act on it.

I’m just glad that my parents and in-laws are the opposite. So I don’t have to do the talking and explaining.
@rachelr15 Leave as soon as you can. They're dead weight and toxic. If you want a better life for yourself and your own future family, how you deal with them will be definitive of all that.

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