Need advice re: daughter still in school becomes the family bank + investment plan


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How do you say no when (toxic) family members wanted to “borrow” scholarship money but doesnt intend to pay at all?

My parents know about my scholarship and has been getting money from me ever since (I never asked them for money anymore ever since SHS since I worked as a part time tutor during that time. Now living with them due to pandemic, gusto ata nila ako na bumuhay sa family coz their salary are used for luho related debts).

Pre-pandemic, I was on a different region and I payed for all my expenses including dorm fees, food, transpo. Everything. This pandemic, they kept pestering me about money lalo na at less gastos ako since im locked down with them. I contribute to the groceries naman, mga 3k a month, but they want my whole 7k/month scholarship allowance. I wanted to save money so bad so I don’t want them meddling with my financial life for their own selfishness.
They still borrow money until this day which never really gets paid. Reasons like “pambili natin ulam”, “panggasolina”, “pambili gulong”, “pang change oil”. (heck, why buy a car when u cant pay for its expenses) (plus everytime I have to go somewhere and ask them for a ride, I still have to pay for gasoline plus labor lol, so every ride costs me around 1k. Sana nag grab nalang ako pero baka may masabi eh🤦‍♀️)

last time, my parents even called my scholarship unit to ask if my allowance has been debited to my account. So even if I want to cover up and tell them I’m on probation in receiving allowance so I have no money, I can’t.

During these times, this scenario, HOW CAN I SAY NO WHEN THEY WANT MY MONEY??

I tried talking to them before about savings, budgetting, etc but i was regarded to as “madamot, nagmamagaling, walang utang na loob, and disrespectful plus they are guilt tripping but the guilt tripping works everytime when I see them struggle with money even after they spend it on luho. Idk whats wrong with me. Send help.

Additional: I bought an ipad as a study investment 2 yrs ago from my scholarship allowance. When i received the money that time, I want to buy the iPad in cash, but they want to “borrow” the money. They told my tita to help me purchase the ipad via home credit so she did. My parents “promised” to pay the monthly fee since I lent my supposedly ipad payment money to them. In the end, i was the one who paid for the monthly bills and the money they ‘borrowed’ from me was never returned (so yeah double the expense on my part plus home credit interest fees). Take note, nakabili sila ng new luho(s) ah, even just recently, but cant pay me.
P.S. I really wanted to cut off ties with my fam due to high toxicity plus emotional and mental trauma from them ever since I was a kid. All those physical and emotional abuse. I mean im ok with providing if I have stable job naman, but scholarship money, really?
@rachelr15 Maybe it’s cheaper for you to continue living separately? Dorms are almost empty right now so you can probably get a good deal. Find a private room for around 3K as replacement for the grocery allowance you give. Just avoid contact with other people to not get the virus.
@jojom I used to live in the dorms before the pandemic but due to lockdown I had no option but to move with them. Plus im below 21. They pointed out that im still under their watch and said to me that even if im above 18 or above 21, they are still my “parents”. Plus even if I want to go back now, transportation is a little hefty since its from north to south (not MM). And I can’t even move out of the house without a ride because we live far from the highways and I have no travel pass plus a swab test resultrs or whatever document is needed. G knows how much I want to go back to the dorms.
@rachelr15 Sorry you’re experiencing this, OP. Not my experience, but it seems ung linyahan ng parents mo na you’re still under their watch will last until magkaasawa ka na or until you have a sizable accomplishment (own house, huge salary, top position, etc.). While the words hold some truth since you still live with them, it might be used as manipulation. Sana naman hindi. Wishing you luck in this journey! Bata ka pa.

You think they'll stop when you get married? They'll still milk you even when you have a family of of your own already. There really is no end to this unless you draw a boundary which for most people seems impossible.

It's like dealing with bullies, it's scary af but waiting for them to treat you differently is like waiting for something that's just never going to happen. I hope OP starts to draw a line, not necessarily face them head on, just one small act of standing up after the other. Because what are they gonna do, kick you out? That's still a win
@rachelr15 No. You're only under their watch if you're living with them. Heck, they are supposed to be the one that is sustaining your living and not the reverse because they are obligated by law which is sad because it is common among Filipino families.
@rachelr15 Travel pass, free. Swab test maybe 3 to 4k. Transpo 1k. That's the amount you give to your family. Too many excuses. You don't want to leave, period.
@puddings Didn't the OP say her/his family is toxic and she/he suffers from abuse. Don't be too ignorant she has her reasons. Sobrang ignorant pa talaga ng mga Pilipino sa epekto ng toxicity sa mental health ng tao
Sobrang ignorant pa talaga ng mga Pilipino sa epekto ng toxicity sa mental health ng tao

Not ignorant, it's better to be straight forward. Let me edit things a little. "Masyadong ma-emosyonal ang mga Pilipino".
@puddings I want to leave, really. I just want to be prepared when I leave. That is why Im asking how to stop them from getting money first or lessen the amount they get so I could save more and prepare for my move out. Coz I can’t just leave emptyhanded. I’ll ignore them and try the advices in here ablut how I can protect the money. Hopefull i can save enough so i can move out this year. Thanks anyway.
@blondemom93 I’m planning to already. Have enough for a studio apartment but I still have to save more for other expenses like food and utilities. Can’t spend every penny on the travel and the apartment then have nothing for daily needs. Thank you, it motivates me more to move out.
@rachelr15 Surprise surprise: when you have a stable job, their expenses will still balloon and inflate with your income and this cycle would still not end. Sorry OP, no advice. Same boat but 10yrs later.
@rachelr15 Nope, moved out 5yrs ago. Have been on my own, have been away. Still sending substantial amount amounts still, and regularly. Have reduced contact so much but when I feel guilty about it, I reach out. Only to be reminded again why I have ceased keeping in contact- the toxicity, manipulation and guilt-tripping are maddening.
@rachelr15 Start cutting ties with them as early as now. If they're expecting that much from you while you're still in school, what more when you'll be working full time. You'll be better off on your own and they should learn not to depend on you.

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