Need advice on what Im doing as an insurance agent


New member
Hi! So to start off, I graduated in June overseas and came back to my home country (immediately after) and because of hearing about my home country having extremely low job opportunities and extremely low salaries, (for e.g. I don't mean to disrespect but a fresh grad accounting degree holder receives the same salary as a cleaner) so I recently took a job as an insurance agent literally immediately and everyone told me how lucky I am to get a job within a month I got back. However, I graduated with a first class degree and I knew that I could get as little as $10 or to none at all. But I’m very patient and hardworking so I know that I will make it one day and it was my dream to be an insurance agent.

I was actually someone who wasn’t really practicing her deen at the time nor was my knowledge on Islam was broad, so I never really cared about where I worked (not in the p**n industry or anything like that) so I took the job anyway since it was the kind of job I wanted. But months later, I became closer to god Alhamdulillah and I’m still learning and found out that life insurance apparently isn't halal because of dealing with interest and non-guaranteed returns. I’ve searched about this and multiple scholars and articles do say that they’re haram but there are some that say that they are fine, so I brought it up to two colleagues of mine. One said that all the money came from Allah SWT anyway so it’s something I shouldn’t be worried about and the other, who has a higher seniority said that the products go through the central bank so even though the company isn’t Shari’ah compliant, it still goes by the Shari’ah rulings and no matter where you go, nothing will be completely purified. I just don’t wanna deal with anything that diverts me away from Islam cause Alhamdulillah, I’m so happy where I am now and I really feel at peace but I’m scared of not having a job after leaving cause I at least got a little cash in hand. Oh, I started feeling this about more than a month ago cause I came across someone who I cold-called, said that what I’m doing is haram. I have this strong feeling that I should leave but I’m so scared that I won’t find a job and I’ve been applying literally everywhere. What should I do? Is it actually haram even though the company has been scanned by the central bank here? Would love to hear everyone’s thoughts on this… I’m so lost cause I feel like I should stay cause I feel like it’s all I got as of now to at least have some money in my pocket while waiting for a company to reply me back which could take months or to leave immediately and just leave it all up to Allah SWT but I may have no money to eat.

Also, it’s quite common here hearing someone finally getting a good-paying job after 3 years or so (that is, if you’re lucky) and since I only live with my sister and the house that I stay in is about to be taken away cause we couldn't pay the mortgage and I’m so scared that I won’t be finding a job then. Idk what to do. My boss, who is a non-muslim really believes in me and said that I will make it if I stay working hard and persistent and that I will reach where he is now (getting 6 figures). I would like to hear second opinions from everyone and pray for me as well cause right now nothing really looks promising to me.

Sorry for the extremely long post… JazakAllah
@lavister 1) Stay in your job for now.

2) Make dua that if your money is halal that may Allah increase you, if your money is haram may Allah help you find a way out.

3) keep applying for alternatives

4) build up your knowledge base and have true intention to start an Islamic version of what you do for Muslims in the future. Islamic solutions for Muslims are very few. We need people in the industry to help deliver that future.

And Allah knows best


Nisba Islamic personal finance

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