
New member
For context, ako ay isang 29 years old na Engineer working in a design firm. I've been in the industry for around 6 years now.

As of this writing, meron akong 640,000 PHP na cash on hand (not including investments/stocks which is around 250,000 PHP in value). Ito na lahat lahat ng ipon ko from working in a job.

Naka-ipon na kaya ako sa lagay na ito, at this age? Yung 600K ba na halaga is kulang pa sa isang single 29 y/o or sakto lang? Worried ako kung nahuhuli ba ako or dapat pa akong magsumikap pa lalo, to earn.

Any thoughts or comments, I appreciate. Thank you!
@muggins2116 It's like you're asking if water is wet. I think we've fallen victim to this sub, it's like a hedonic treadmill. "I earn 50K and I feel poor" or "Is 90K salary enough to start a family?" Shit like this. If you make a guess, 80% of Filipinos will barely make touch that net worth.

Good job and stop being pressured by what you read sa sub na ito.
@rosie1970 Minsan di ko alam kung out of touch ba talaga mga tao rito or subtle flex.

Like for instance, if I'm x age and I have xxx,xxx in my bank account, my question would be, 'how should I spend this?' or 'how to grow this even more?'

buti sana kung may standard sa tao na dapat by 26, if you have half a mil, you're somewhat successful. Otherwise? you're human garbage. Wala naman.

Di ko gets tanungan nila.
@pjs933 I think it's the demographics of this sub?

since this is a sub about investing, most people na pupunta dito has money to invest

the financial standards of redditors here is higher (or something idk)
@onlyway019 Agree. And people here are usually asking for serious inputs. It may seem like they are flexing but the truth is marami talaga sa tin ang nangangapa. It's like i have this what? Is it enough? I think dapat pag ganitong mga post the OP should put some sort of goal/target para di nababash.
@muggins2116 “Naka-ipon na kaya ako…” if di ipon yung 640k + 250k, ano yun then?

And no, di ka nahuhuli, kasi life’s not a race naman. Lahat tayo may kanya-kanyang pace. If we compare ourselves to other people at every turn, we’re always gonna find people better, richer, more talented, more successful, more everything than us.

Are you happy where you are now and where you’re going? The answer to that should give you all you need.
@muggins2116 Depende sa kung para sa ano ang pinag-iipunan mo.. retire early, or travel, or lipat, or lipat abroad or wedding or to earn more or for the sake of may naipon ka. always have a goal for life,.. otherwise mapapaisip ka whats the point of it..
Having said that, good work on earning that much at your age! Use it and everything that helped you earn it, in living life as you like it to be.

Avoid comparing to others, walang benefit yun either way -- focus on what your goals are.
@muggins2116 Not trying to be a dick, but this is the kind of post that gets clowned on the other subs lol.

In all seriousness though having that savings regardless of age is already great and you shouldn't be worried of falling behind because its not a race in the first place. Most people don't even have savings let alone 100k+. Just continue on what you're doing to get the goals you set yourself.
@favoredrose Iba iba kasi tayo ng circle at pangangailangan kaya baka di naman sya insincere sa post nya. Naalala ko lang sabi ng prof ko before, just because walang kotse isang tao, hindi na totoong problema ng ibang tao mag park.
@muggins2116 "dapat pa akong magsumikap pa lalo"

yes, never loss that drive, there is no reason not to

set your own goal lang OP, make your future self say thank you to you

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