My neighbor’s house exploded. How do I proceed from here?

@boywonder23k It’s going to be interesting, that is certain. My neighbors have a head start on me so I am going to speak with them in the next few days to see if there is any confirmation I can get from them about these claims and move forward from there.
@babygems Get the windows boarded and a claim filed. Concussive damage from an explosion will probably require the insurer to hire a structural engineer, so make sure your insurer has contact information for someone who can exhibit the property if you're going to be gone for a while yet.
@babygems File teh claimwith your own homeowners insurance. They will subrogate against anyone else who could be at fault to get their money back.

Also, by notifying them first, they will assist with things like boarding up . It required under your policy that you mitigate damages. Your carrier will handle this. This is what insurance companies do. They have emergency services who are reliable and whose charges they will approve.

It is unlikely, though not guarantied, that your premium will go up. There is no fault on your side

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