My neighbor’s house exploded. How do I proceed from here?

The city could be liable for your damages.

Fat chance. They aren't even liable when they cause the damage directly and clearly accidentally in many jurisdictions (as in the case of a swat raid on the wrong address)

Sovereign immunity and other concepts are in play on shit like this. Trying to establish a liability chain through all this is never reasonably gonna happen. Only way the city is paying is if it becomes a political issue.
@melissa1989 No, but their house was literally shoved off of their foundation by the explosion and then re-settled back on (almost) the same spot. I’m shocked their pool didn’t burst.
@babygems Holt shit! You did not exaggerate! Glad everyone is safe. You're in for a long haul but try and enjoy your honeymoon. Coming home early isn't going to make anything better so just work with your insurance, get it boarded, get it packed out if needed, and let them help you find housing if yours isn't safe or livable.

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