My lease ends 8/31. No one will communicate how to resign for the year..


New member
UPDATE: So a lot of people assumed they wanted to remove us. You were wrong as were we. They wanted to trap us into a month to month lease. We gave notice this week after taking the advice and locating another place. Thankfully it's larger and way better for us. However, we spoke with the complex yesterday.

The complex told us that our CORP has refused all and any communication with them related to our lease and they are willing to put us month to month at $2100/mo and that we would revert to paying CORP if we wanted to stay. This means we would have been hit with ~2500/mo rent due to their mark up. This wasn't because they wanted us to leave. They wanted to bleed us dry. Our current rent is $1641. The corp pays $1400. The renewal would have been $1882/mo for 15mos. Absolutely not.

We now have written communication from the Complex that starting 9/1 the CORP will be responsible for the month to month and all notices have been given an accepted. However "due to lack of communication or response we are terminating responsibility to X leaseholders as of 9/1)". Our CORP requires 7 days which they were given.

So Thankfully I dodged an even more expensive lesson because yall convinced me they wanted me out. Lol good ol Reddit.


Yall this is so much more complicated than "your apartment company sucks." You're probably right. But I am convinced this has something to do with our current lease.

Context: we had to sign a corporate lease. This meant we paid 20% more in rent and paid $1k risk fee + $0 applications + 0 credit checks. I was mid divorce. Just moved across the state. And desperate.

Fast forward to July. We are serviced an eviction from said Corporate company for being behind. We paid it 7/21. Court was 7/24. We show up and everything is dismissed. I req an updated ledger that entire week so I could initiate a new lease directly with the building and pay less rent. 7/28 I received a ledger with my Aug rent listed as a balance to be paid. Que me being pissed because now we CAN'T resign with our building until the balance is $0.

Beginning of Aug: Aug 4 we are served AGAIN for an eviction notice. However. It wasn't addressed to US. It was per the CORPORATE we signed with. I find out the next week that said Corporate paid the $3.7k missing rent the day before I stopped in. Don't get me started on that whole thing....

Now: my building is no longer accepting CORPORATE due to probably loads of issues. We have been calling to resign directly for over a week and "they're working on it". Something about going from a corporate lease to regular.

I've never had to beg someone to take my money but here we are. We have 6 days left on our lease. I'm scared af.
@fargonic You were so far behind on rent that not only were you served an eviction notice, you had an actual court date (which usually takes a long time to be assigned one). You need to start searching for a new place ASAP. You have proven to be an unreliable tenant. There is no way your current place will let you renew or sign a new lease.
@theendisnigh777 In our area once we file the court has 7-14 days to schedule a hearing. The whole process from filing to lockout with constable, if the tenants doesn't pay within the 10 days, takes roughly 35 days. Our district justices aren't all that busy and we have several of them so it's very common to get into court in a week.
@marshallbarnes It was filed April 14. Our hearing was July 24. We were served the Tuesday before and paid in full 7/21.

I say this because I still don't understand why it was filed in April and the hearing took 2 months...
@fargonic It could be a number of things. If one of you rescheduled the hearing. We don't know your cities laws on dates for getting in court. If you live in a large city or area the courts could be slow so it could take that long. Among other things. Like I said in my area we actually have to many district courts so they're slow and a participant can ask to reschedule because of a conflict etc. Once but it gets rescheduled within 7-14 days again. You can only get 1 reschedule. Either way that's done now you need to worry about moving forward. I would continue to try to nail down signing a new lease with the current company and still be looking at other places in case they don't sign with you. Like the one commenter said as landlords we would rather keep people in units and have no disruptions in rent and have to do work etc. Than have a vacant unit we have to clean, do maintenance to and find a new tenant for. Good luck to you.
You were so far behind on rent that not only were you served an eviction notice,

So my eviction was filed April 14. We had a $0 balance june 1. The hearing was July 24 and we were 1.5m behind. Technically we were 1mo behind because they missed a $800 payment they didn't credit. We were not expecting it over $1200.

Btw. The apartment complex didn't evict us. The corporate leasing company did and then turned around was served an eviction notice themselves for not paying OUR bill. The same bill we paid then.

You have proven to be an unreliable tenant

With whom? The corporate lease who is being cut off? We pay them religiously every 2 weeks. It's not OUR fault they made a 3k payment on our account when it's their responsibility. For the record, that eviction didn't have our names on it. Just the corporation. And my apt confirmed it had nothing to do with US.
@fargonic So basically they're a kind of "lease management" company? Although I can see the need for a company like this in certain situations, It sounds they operate similar to a ponzi scheme unfortunately.
You were so far behind on rent that not only were you served an eviction notice,

So my eviction was filed April 14. We had a $0 balance june 1. The hearing was July 24 and we were 1.5m behind. Technically we were 1mo behind because they missed a $800 payment they didn't credit. We were not expecting it over $1200.

Btw. The apartment complex didn't evict us. The corporate leasing company did and then turned around was served an eviction notice themselves for not paying OUR bill. The same bill we paid then.

You have proven to be an unreliable tenant

With whom? The corporate lease who is being cut off? We pay them religiously every 2 weeks. It's not OUR fault they made a 3k payment on our account when it's their responsibility. For the record, that eviction didn't have our names on it. Just the corporation. And my apt confirmed it had nothing to do with US.
@fargonic Whoever owns the property doesn't give a fk, they simply don't want you, and/or the Corp there. If you try to renew, they won't do it or will upsell tf out of it.

They don't want you there, so just find somewhere else and learn from this experience.
@fargonic It’s confusing … you were never late on rent is what you’re saying? You’ve been paying every single month but you’re paying to a third party (leasing company?) that makes the payments to the landlord for you? So the apartment would be in the name of the leasing company? I’ve never heard of that so I guess that’s why it’s confusing. You’d think you’d just pay the landlord lol
@fargonic they likely don’t want you to resign, usually they send you a new lease or paperwork months before the lease ends. if there’s an office i’d go down there and talk to someone otherwise i would really recommend start looking for a new place.
i’m also so genuinely confused on this whole corporate lease thing. are you subletting? also have you tried to contact whoever your lease is through if they got it for you the first time i would assume you should contact them. although i feel like the better option for everyone is for you to find a new apartment where you’re not going through a middle man since that seems to be the biggest issue here.

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