My lease ends 8/31. No one will communicate how to resign for the year..

@fargonic From what I understand from your other comments, the leasing corporation is a sort of middleman that you pay, who then in turn pays the property owner. You’ve been genuinely a month behind but other late payments were because the middleman corp didn’t pay the property owner. Is that right?

You should explain this situation to the property owner then. Because the leasing corporation is not going to explain that any late payments were their fault and not yours. The property owner just knows that they didn’t get the money that was due from you on time several times and that evictions and court cases were filed. In the future, if you do get a new lease, try to pay a bit early and get written confirmation that the payment has been remitted to the property owner.
the leasing corporation is a sort of middleman that you pay, who then in turn pays the property owner.

Yes. Except "owner" is a large company who owns all the standard Apts in my area. And we were 1 month behind for ~1.5 months but still paying 900-1k biweekly to catch up. We've never not paid them SOMETHING on a payday for the last 15mos.

other late payments were because the middleman corp didn’t pay the property owner. Is that right?

Yes. We didn't owe 3.5k. We owed ~1600. When the eviction was filed, we weren't notified until the week before court. No legal fees posted. Nothing. Just a fluctuating balance of ~800 for a few weeks and no correspondence.

should explain this situation to the property owner then. Because the leasing corporation is not going to explain that any late payments were their fault and not yours

This is what I did this week when I learned they actually made late payments. This entire time I had no idea they weren't paying the building while we paid them.

try to pay a bit early and get written confirmation that the payment has been remitted to the property owner.

I told them.theyre getting 2mo upfront at this point to not chance it.
@fargonic I think that’s all you can do at this point. But it’s still up to the property owner to agree to renew the lease with the leasing corp. You said you visited the property owner’s office earlier, maybe try doing that again and try to get a definitive answer. Also, you can look for some month-to-month rentals as a backup just in case.
@fargonic You were behind on rent. Depending on where you are in the country, they can fill that space in 2 seconds with someone with a great credit score and income.

You need to get some boxes and start figuring something out because you’ll have to move.
@fargonic Given that they’ve tried to evict you twice in the past few months, perhaps they don’t want to let you renew but don’t want to come right out and say it. They might be running out the clock. I’d be looking for another place ASAP if I were you.

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