My job often has a lot of down time... how would you use this time productively?

@zumbafanforever I clicked on this because I'm in the same boat. I do 12 hour shifts, maybe 3-4 hours of 'work'. Just need to be onsite incase anything happens the rest of the time so I'm here to respond. I spend my days watching NBA, browsing Reddit, playing TFT or watching you tube. I have started a little eBay side hustle I mostly manage from my desk, selling trading cards. But it feels like I could be putting the time to better use. After a point down time at work just becomes too much.
@zumbafanforever Honestly I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. The NBA is a godsend for people like us, hopefully the draft and off season trades will be spicy enough to keep things semi interesting.
@kathyutley58 They're probably also not going to say "I'm glad I spent all that time on Reddit while at work", which sounds like is their alternative option (if they're anything like me).
@zumbafanforever Are you much of a reader?

I would consider reading, fiction/non-fiction/'trash'/'literature'/anything to be a productive use of time in that it enriches your life!

Likewise drawing, sketching, painting, writing, photo editing etc etc etc.

Money is one tool to achieve your goals, but there are other things that you want out of life (happiness, interest, growth, creation, comfort...) and working towards them is also 'productive'.
@zumbafanforever I know a guy that effectively “waits for trains”. If there’s any kind of delay, he’ll be on site for hours with nothing to do.

Started packing his lawn mower. Knocked on doors and told people he’d mow their front lawn for $10. Easy.
@zumbafanforever Do all your life admin so you gain extra time with your family, or doing the things you want to do that you are at work for in the first place. Keeping yourself loaded up will also prevent you from wasting your time and once life admin is out of the way you can start investing in yourself or just read a book.

I am in a similar position.
@zumbafanforever Doing a side/fun hustle thing is all about repetition and consistency - from your comments you seem to have your head on straight so here's some ideas:
  • A YouTube and TikTok channel from your car about your job, industry, things people should know, giving advice to people starting out, offering to tuition people. You'll figure out very quickly if there's an audience for your topic and if there are further paths to monetisation (blog, ebook etc)
  • If you have any particular skills (design, video editing etc) create profiles UpWork, elance or fiverr or something like that, when you get hired you get hired, and if not then no skin off your nose.
  • You could sign up to read books into audio books and get paid that way.
  • You can sign up for marketing surveys - and while they take a bit of time, and you don't necessarily get paid a lot per survey it sounds like you have time to kill.
  • Sign up for a competition website, basically they send you notifications for competitions and giveaways that do not require purchases to enter.
  • Finally, flip items on Facebook marketplace.

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