My job often has a lot of down time... how would you use this time productively?

@neonbelly99 Fair recommendation. Keep in mind this is 'a few bucks' on top of 'a few bucks'. I.e. already making a comfortable wage and our family is comfortably meeting our expenses and able to save. So those few bucks would go immediately into investing and grow/compound into lots of bucks in future.
@zumbafanforever Studying is also an investment in your future. If you do this job for the next 4 years, you could walk away with a bachelor's giving you more earning potential or usable skills if you are running your own company.
Time goes by fast, use it wisely.
@hyperhamster My husband did this in his 20s. And another post grad in his 30s but more on his own time.

When his first career became untenable due to a change in management he was ready and able to switch to a completely different career at age 40.
@zumbafanforever Yeah, but it might also just keep your value intact.
Not sure what you do, but it does not sound like you're honing your skills or learning new ones.

Your position might eventually get outsourced - there is money to save when staff sit idle as part of their role.

Consider who will want to hire you, if you tell them 'I sat on call for the past four years, working maybe 20%'.
@zumbafanforever Learn about investing, basic economic principles, compound growth, strategies to grow your super more effectively and save on tax. Track your expenses and micro-manage them, try maximise disposable income to invest.

Essentially, just learn to be smarter with money.

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