My father’s getting a car loan, but I think it's a foolish decision

@freshcoast Wait, are you a female? Then I take my words back. Some tier 3 cities can be overwhelming actually. Also seems like u have a plan so it's all good. Goodluck.
@freshcoast Wow. That's great that your Father wants to buy a new car. Most parents don't aspire much. It's good that he wants enjoy his life, MOST PEOPLE DONT.

Cheers to him

Trust him (and me) that he planned for EMIs.

Agar koi prob Hui bhi to tum ho na, to manage EMI.

Enjoy your new car.

@freshcoast Let the old man live a little. Where it is written that only young people can take risks? His money his burden? I know you are trying to be a good son but you can help him in other ways rather than this.
@faryfary I agree with you in the sense that OP should get a job and his father is spending his father's money.

However, unless this car is supposed to benefit them in arranged marriage or something like that, this is not a smart decision, so OP should tell his opinion honestly to his father so he can consider it. IMHO everybody in the family should have some say in major decisions affecting all of them, even if ultimately it is that person's decision.
@freshcoast 7 L down payment? That's very high man. It should be around 2L. What's your father's age and credit score?

About your situation, you are 23 not 16, your father is no longer in any obligation to provide for you. If you want to go to Bangalore then you will have to do it on your own.
@fmarc Upvoted for the second paragraph. Lost all sympathy after reading the last part. 23 yo kid wants a free ride his whole life, won’t let dad enjoy a bit.
@randywolf244 My dad stopped giving me money when I turned 18, everything I have, I bought by myself. I have a lot of friends who also went through something similar, they worked their ass off and paid for the things they own and further education. IK it's hard but OP needs to realise he is no longer a child and will have to pay for whatever he wants on forward. Even if it's stupid, it's his father's own money, he can choose to buy a car or pay for his kids or whatever, his money is his decision.
@fmarc Yes same, im a 16 currently, I do part time work, (it's not like my family is financially week, or smth, infact we are the richest in our bloodline with equity stocks of 2cr+ and others businesses and property) they just want me to learn how life works early as they are, They are still doing all the basic needs for me, the money I earn either end up in my own Equity portfolio or the luxuries I want to have, like I purchases samsung s20 w/ my own money, a laptop,

Yeah, if his father's spending OPs money then it's will be a point of concern, but he simply purchasing with his own money, moreover, if his father can make down-payment of 7 Lacs then I don't think there will be any financial issue.

PS: I went through the OPs profile and it's seems like OPs himself is too wastrel (I'm sorry to say but it seems like it)
@fmarc All I am worried about is his retirement not my expenses. But yeah you all are right. I am the one who's faulty and useless here. Now that I am seeing him buying his first new car I am happy. I will support him

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