My father’s getting a car loan, but I think it's a foolish decision


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My father is spending all of his little savings on buying a car. The car is a Kia Sonet which costs around 10 lakh. He's paying a down payment of 7 lakh and taking a loan of 4 lakh at a 9.3% reducing interest rate for 5 years. So that’s about 10,000 rupees for 5 years.

Our family's financial situation has always been critical as far as I remember. Our family net worth is negligible. We only own a 100 gaj house worth 70 lakh and nothing else.

My father runs a small grocery shop. He doesn't even know exactly how much he’s earning as he doesn't record expenses and profits properly. My estimate is my father is making about 50,000 per month. The rent of the shop is 15,000. House expenses should be around 15,000. My sister's college expenses are around 12,000. She is doing her graduation from DU and planning to do an MBA next year. Other miscellaneous expenses would be around 10,000. That’s about his whole income!

I can’t see if my father is in a position to save money from his income. He’s bad at financial aptitude, in my opinion. He doesn't know the concept of inflation. He straight up refuses to accept inflation or ignore it only god knows. He doesn't invest his money at all. He doesn't know the difference between assets and liabilities. For him, a car is an asset as he can then show off to others and validate that he’s doing well financially.

I’m 23 and I dropped out of an engineering college partially because of money problems and partially because of my own issues. I didn’t want to do my graduation in my hometown. I live in a tier 3 city. I wanted to go someplace better for my studies. But my father declined when I wanted to go to Bangalore or Delhi. Now I’m looking for a way out for myself. I don’t want to associate with any business of my family. It’s already too late for me but I’m figuring it out.

And in this situation, my father is taking a loan which, in my humble opinion, is a stupid decision. Not only for him but also for me and my sister’s future.

Edit: You guys humbled me greatly. You all are right, I am a terrible person. I must be born anew. Thank you to the people of Reddit for your straightforward opinions.

On the other hand, you guys don’t know the whole story. I guess I didn’t articulate well enough in the post.

I know I’m 23 and still unemployed and useless. But I’m trying to find my passion instead of going corporate or another traditional route. I want financial freedom above all. I want both time and money.

Some people even look at my profile and find out that I have an m1 iPad Pro. I took a loan from my mother, not my father. I use that device to create content on YT. My channel is monetized and has around 7000 subscribers.

The rat race is real. Society is designed to trap you in this race forever. On top of that, if someone’s making bad financial decisions, they cannot find a way out. They will work forever till his death. I ask for what? What did you actually achieve? It's a trap!

I still think that buying a car in our financial situation was a bad financial decision (’was’ because we bought the car today) it’s not even a complicated math but a simple common sense. That money should better be spent on building a business or expending the business. I don’t want my dad’s hard-earned money as some people in the comments are saying. I want him to think about his own retirement. He’s 52 years old. A car is a liability. Also, he already owns an old Skoda Fabia and now he has 2 cars now. But that car is way too old like 16 years old. My point remains the same. I’m not making a big deal out of this. But that’s how a poor person remains poor. And the rich get richer.

Nonetheless, I will support my father in any way I can. He works hard. Hardest than anyone I’ve met.

I shall help my father by helping myself.

Edit 2: link of YT channel as some people are asking for it
@hqwriteradh Lol. So true. He maybe earning more and doesn't wanna tell. Even then Indian parents rarely do anything for themselves and I think his father wants him to continue business that's y he doesn't want him to go to Delhi or Bangalore as he knows he will never return. That's it. This is Indian parents mentality mostly
@hqwriteradh There are businesses that keeps only a record of who owes what and stock and nothing else. They have no idea how much profit is and don't bother to calculate it as they find it a hassle. It is not like profit will increase if they calculate it.
@barry16 Bro calculating profit is very important in businesses which have high running cost so I know my father does know how much money goes where.
Idk if OP's father needs to calculate it or not
@hqwriteradh OP is forgetting it's a grocery store so the basic house needs are met with the shop also he is under estimating shop income also his father does not have a retirement age. Also financial planning comes after u have income. U should first figure out about completing graduation first and getting a job. Try and see if u can still complete engineering in a year or two better than starting a three year degree from scratch.
@hqwriteradh dang are all fathers same ? I have been trying to get my father straighten up on what is coming and what is out but he does not seem to budge and always have nothing left at end of the month.....sigh !!!!
@denwild not really ...neither he shares nor he let me take over. He thinks if I take over , I will throw him out or he will become dependent on me ....lolz
@hqwriteradh Yup same here my father only started sharing the real things once i became independent. Till then i was unless in his eyes. Today all financial decisions go through me because i am earning more than him.
@freshcoast Firstly you understand that this might be a thing he always wanted to do in his life and it could be super important to him. Most of the indian parents live their whole life for kids, wife to support family etc and mostly forget about themselves. Be sensitive if you discuss this with him.

But nonetheless, this decision is going to create more financial issues than happiness. What you can do is sit with him and talk to him about how the basic math is not looking right with the decision he is making. Avoid words like investment, inflation etc.

Also, try and make him understand how buying a car will incur more expenses like service charge, fuel etc in future. And it will get difficult for him to manage.

Rather what he can do is to plan this better and purchase the car when he has sufficient funds to do the same.
@freshcoast Here is what I would do: goto bangalore and get enrolled in some coaching like jspiders. Work your ass off. Learn from every failed interview. Try to see if you can get some job in call centre for sustenance. Live in shifty PGs and travel in bus. Beg parents for 5k per month if possible.
@tsarmax9 I currently work on a YT channel. It's monetized and has 7k subs but it's not making any money right now. Also I am looking forward to taking a yoga course so I could become a yoga trainer. That's my interest. Let's see how it goes.

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