my employer isn’t paying me correctly and i’ve just found out isn’t paying my super

@breona Always make the assumption that you will need to consult legal services/unions so have physical evidence of what you see as wrong and always have a paper trail of what/when/where things are done. Once you have that, talk to management and give a reasonable timeframe for them to rectify the situation. If you have the evidence, you should get paid, and any retaliation should be seen as harassment. If you don’t, you’ll probably get fired for ‘other reasons’.
@breona Friend of mine had a similar experience. Noticed no super paid even though it was on payslips. There was one digit error in the super membership ID input by the company. I suspect intentional error.
Enquired about it and got it paid. Otherwise yeah ATO is the way to go.
@breona I’ve had a very similar issue. Your employer has to pay your super within 28 days of the end of the quarter (e.g by 28th Jan for Q4 of previous year).

First step is to query your employers In writing. If this doesn’t lead to a satisfactory outcome in a timely manner then you can lodge a complaint to the ATO via their online form (

They will ensure your super is paid with interest. Goodluck
@breona You're going to be out of a job either way my friend. This business will not last. As nice as they are, you are not their family.

Businesses close all the time, and cashflow is usually the reason. But they are responsible for this, and you are entitled to your full pay incl super, holidays, etc.

Most small business owners say that if they were to do it over, they would try to know more about the financial side. is your first stop, follow their steps.

Edit to say that any business not clear about employment contracts is seeking to exploit you.
@breona I don’t know that you haven’t but be especially careful that they arnt paying your super because accusing an employer of this could sour your relationship with them
@breona If you think they are going to close the store you will be out of work anyway. I would be asking about it and if they have no response I would be going to the fair work ombudsman.
@breona If you're checking on the ato portal, your super fund is only obligated to update your super fund once per financial year. Check with your super fund directly around contributions rather than ato portal. But it should at least be reflected on your payslip.

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