@cbzwurks Agricultural land was an emotional buy to be honest but my only criteria was not to take burden. So bought far where there was water and a kaccha road. Now the road is tar road which is one of the biggest reason for appreciation

4 year vesting RSU might have different vesting types. If vesting equally, then yes you get 2500 dollars worth every year ( and has couple tax options). You can cash once it vests
@bigsmiles150 I agree that large cap returns are low. I doubled my investment post covid. But reaching 1 cr in mutual funds equity gives you great leverage on other opportunities. Like you getting home loan for investments are easy. Also you think differently when you have 1cr in the bank.

2014 until 2016 I put around 30k a month for 20 months across small mid and large cap in Motilal.

Then in 2016 moved to zerodha. 2016 until 2020 invested 60k a month. After covid put 1 lac each month until recently.

These are approximate numbers

Invested total around: 52 lacs
Current portfolio value: 1.02 cr
@jtmsavestheday Desperate for advice on how you did it. I'm 32 (B.tech+Mba) and earning 25 lpa in a big 4. My net worth is only 90L. Where did I go wrong and how to make amends and hopefully reach half of your net worth by your age? Just seems mathematically impossible.
@ladyblue62 The big difference I see is your salary. Upskill and interview. And 90 lacs of net worth is still great especially given that you had to do MBA as well.

For context I was 21 when I started my first job with last 14 years in FAANG

SIP helps in long run. Also bets on real estate especially in a potentially growing place (in next 5 years) helps speeden

I am thinking if pre IPO companies (not VC) but that might be too risky for you at this moment
@jtmsavestheday Thank you for the background. In stark contrast to how things panned out for you, all of my bets backfired. I had invested 40 lacs of savings in Yes Bank in 2017-18 in hopes of early retirement which ended up burning 90% of my capital.

Had also invested in an affordable housing unit in Gurgaon in 2020 and again lost around 20 lacs since the builder hasn't constructed anything since then.

It's hard to live with myself knowing that these could easily have amounted to 1.5-2 Cr + had I simply stuck to Mutual funds. Just grinding it out now and investing in SIPs hoping to reach 3 Cr or so by 40 and calling it a day, though 3 Cr might not really be enough to last me forever.
@mary07 Yep, I have similar years of career and starting at WITCH, no overspending, but have less than half this net worth. But I was very late to start investing in equity, used to save up in FD etc only. Curious to know the savings per year or net worth growth, whether any inheritance or gift, stints abroad, or high salary helped accumulate such a huge figure.

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