My 300K portfolio to retire early. Feasible?

@amenradio Just go buy an island in the Philippines. Spend 2-4K on some semi automatic weapons for self defense. Become self sufficient. Strive to spend essentially zero dollars and make money selling mangoes to locals or whatever the heck they grow out there.

That’s an actual realistic plan with your budget
@trang0714 Oops, I just realised your target was 10% yield for your 300k every year... nope, that's not happening.

First of all O, yields about 5.18% currently. You have 20% of 300k allocated to that, which means about 60k in it.

60k in arcc, 9.82%
60k in bonds, 5%-8%

In other words, you have allocated 60% of your funds to instruments that don't yield 10%.. mathematically impossible for you to net a 10% yield on that allocation alone. Also, this is on the basis that God is good to you and the dividends don't stop/reduce.

Spy and qqq are finelong term, but you can't sell them otherwise you would eat into your capital and their dividends are at about 1.46% and 0.58% annually.

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