Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

@irag8er Interesting, I’d have thought the layoffs this year would have meant one of the fangs would be seen in a negative light. The company has a market cap over $150B…

Thanks for the link.
@skupi Our house maker was very straightforward with us: I, as a foreigner, shouldn't even put my name on the application unless I got a PR or naturalization or something. On paper it looks like my income will get us a better rate, but in reality it was more likely to hurt or not help at all. So house is in my J-wife's name, with just her income in the loan...

Not sure if that is relevant to you but they do play favorites here.
@bestafar That’s definitely relevant, and exactly what we’re doing as well. We were advised the same as I don’t have PR, and while I earn a lot more it seems it’s a hindrance more than helps.

When I applied for a housing loan with Biwako Bank, they rejected the application, saying that their insurer would not insure a loan to a foreigner, full stop. Permanent residency, stable university employment, and a Japanese wife with full-time permanent employment meant nothing to the insurer. Had no problems with Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank though.
@skupi Check out TokyoStarBank since they're foreigner friendly. They may be able to include your income as well. The interest rate will certainly be higher I'd assume but it should still be around 3%.

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