Mortgage: 3.5% (5 year fixed) or 4.1% (10 year)?

@rivensoul I’d always favour a longer period with lower rate.

Investigate exit penalties so you know if you can overpay to clear it quicker, but still have the longer/lower flexibility.
@ee001 I have, as I wrote it's 2000€ max to repay early - or do you mean something else?

As for the period, a longer fixation always means a higher rate - if you mean the overall duration I am already looking at a 30-year mortgage, my question is about the interest rate fixation period actually.
@rivensoul I would go with longer fixed period.

But having said that, this still seems pretty high. I'm just in the middle of negotiating the refinancing of my apartment and I'm deciding between 2.10% with 10 years fixed or 3.48% with 15 years fixed.
@roger71 It is - I am in Czechia where there is only one bank offering mortgages in € (for customers earning in Euros). Since this is still a lot lower than CZK mortgage rates, they can get away with it
@rivensoul Wow. I'm in Croatia and for a long time you could pick whether you want it to be in EUR or HRK (they also offered it in CHF which brought a lot of problems and evictions at a later point). But since we're joining Eurozone in January now they're almost exclusively offering in EUR.
@evietheturtle Euro. Indeed, it's high, those are rates offered by a Czech bank (well, the Czech branch of Oberbank). Since they are currently the only bank offering eur mortgages here (you must have income in euro to get one) they can ask higher rates.

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