Mortgage: 3.5% (5 year fixed) or 4.1% (10 year)?


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I am planning to buy a flat and I can take a 30-year mortgage at either 3.5% pa fixed for 5 years or at 4.1% pa fixed for 10 years. If I take the higher interest rate, the difference in absolute terms over the 5-year period would be around 9,500€ (i.e. what I'd pay extra over taking the lower interest rate).

I am tempted to take the longer fixation term as I think that's a relatively low price for an extra bit of security and while of course it sucks to pay more in monthly installments, I should be able to manage.

The price for paying the mortgage off early (when refinancing) is only up to 2,000€, so that shouldn't be an issue at any point.

What would you do?

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@synthman Pretty much, but not only :) I guess I am also asking about whether people think that .6 percentage point (or 9.5k euros) difference is a reasonable price for more security
@rivensoul If you value security and less stress, then go for the higher rate!

If you think taking a (reasonable) gamble is worth it, and the extra pennies adding up won't make or break you, then take the shorter and cheaper rate and find out what happens!

They're both reasonable choices, it just depends what you value more.
Pretty much, but not only :) I guess I am also asking about whether people think that .6 percentage point (or 9.5k euros) difference is a reasonable price for more security

My best guess is that the interest will shoot up into the stratosphere to kill inflation. But as we are at the end of the current debt cycle at some point we need to start stimulate the economy again. There might be a couple of years until this happens though so I guess its a question of having enough margins to pay those higher interest rates for a couple of years.

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