Moratorium on home buying and career questions


New member
The subreddit has grown significantly since last year, and naturally this has brought with it an increase in the variety of questions we've seen on the subreddit.

We will be announcing a clearer line on which topics we will remove, and two specific areas where we have drawn the line is home buying and career questions.

Examples of posts not allowed:​

[h4]Home buying[/h4]
  • Examples of home purchase questions:
    • Which house should I buy
    • Should I buy this house
    • What do you think of this company/broker
  • What should I do about X situation during home purchase
    • Anything you should discuss with your conveyancer/solicitor/lender (that's why you're paying them)
  • Areas of the process with a tangential connection to personal finance, but aren't the core of the topic
  • Career move decisions
  • Opinions on a job
  • What is X industry like
The above are examples, and the list is not exhaustive

Posts that are still allowed​

  • Affordability questions
  • Mortgage related questions
  • Purchase questions where finance is at the core of the problem
  • The finances behind a career change e.g. comparing packages between jobs

But these are finance related!​

You can say that about kitchen utensils, it doesn't mean the topic is about personal finance. The core of the topic needs to be the financial aspect and personal impact, not the house or the career.
  • Your next career move has a consequential personal finance impact, it's not at the core of the post
  • Which house to buy affects how much you spend, but not whether you have the money to spend on it

But where can I ask if not here!?​

  • /r/HousingUK
  • /r/UKJobs
  • /r/AskUK (for more generic questions)

Why are you doing this​

The power has gone to our heads.
@godlyseed I'm a little disappointed on career related questions. Personally I've found this sub more useful than the likes of r/AskEngineers. At the same time I understand that is what this post is trying to avoid, diverging from it's core subject matter.

For these sorts of decisions, do mods decide between themselves or are polls of the sub-reddits user group ever utilised?

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