[Missouri] PEUC/annual refile


New member
So i was laid off multiple times this year. 1st non covid related lack of work in jan 2020. Then after finding work i got laid off nov 2020. So i ended up on PEUC. Well after dec 26th past and new 11more PEUC weeks added and 300$ fed supplement my end date is week ending Jan30th. No i should have no issue refilling but my current balance shows 1 more payment for this week ending jan 16th. That is left over from o.g. PEUC carried over from dec 26th end date. My question is do they havta wait 4 my PEUC to run out to give me the two-3extra weeks i need to refile? Or will i get no payments till i refile my annual regular UI claim? And possibly a waiting week. That'd be 3weeks at end of month without income. I really think i got a job soon but incase i dont im unsure. I hate to bother the phone ppl as they r busy as hell. But anyone got advice on how Mo has adapted peuc balance or if ppl like me so close to annual reveal we just get screwed? Will they update more peuc balance once i run put of first 11weeks? Anyone who has talked 2 ppl as UI sight seems 2 say peuc balance should be corrected. If i dont find work 2-3weeks w/o income will really hurt me. Thanks for any input.

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