Military Starcard in collections


New member
So I f’d up big time!!!

In late 2021, I thought it would be a good idea to get a Military Star card(AAFES) which I ended up placing my Children’s Christmas on and other things. Lost my job in February, then my unemployment ran out in July, PCS’d in September, so by January 2023 it was in collections for $4,430. Numerous unexpected expenses have took place since then-2 across country moves, no stable employment on my end, and etc.

I received a letter in Jan 2023 stating that it to may be subject to the Treasury Offset Program. Then received a call back in Oct 23’ from Transworld demanding payment that I did not have.

I wasn’t able to work any last year due to school, husband and I also lived apart each other most of the year. Anyways, we just filed our taxes Married-jointly last week. I had no income to claim, but I’m worried they’ll still garnish my Husband’s Federal return. Do we have any options? Anyone have any experience with this?

Since being placed in the hands of loving Transworld the balance has increased to $6,646.
@holywalk I’ve start up a payment plan online, however it still states that I may still be subject to offset because it’s not completely paid in full. They suggested paying it off with a low-interest credit card or loan. Is there any resources or creditors that may be able to help?
@sweetheart1 You're probably best off transferring that debt to a low-interest credit card and getting them their money so you stop incurring late fees and the huge hit on your credit.

Then you need to WAKE THE FUCK UP and get a plan to pay that off and stop putting yourself in these stupid situations. They will continue to haunt you until you make a change. Be an adult, figure it out, and don't make excuses for why you are here. It'll get better, just make the right choice each day and you'll dig yourself out before you know it, just be persistent.
@kevonb129 OPs post history is a nightmare litany of excuses and bad decisions.

Blames SoCal COL but doesn’t acknowledge the 26% loan on her husband’s Audi.

OP - I rarely do this - but you should look up Dave Ramsey and “Financial Peace University.”
@justquaid What this guy is saying OP. Utilize the debt snowball and get out of debt. You are being told exactly what you need to hear, so do yourself the favor and LISTEN. We are suggesting these things because we used them as well to get out of the same hole you're in.
@sweetheart1 Today? Eh. Middle management at best. Back then? No.

Ultimately- I promise you - it’s about lifestyle choices.

All my meat is the discount frozen meat from the commissary.

My car is approaching 15 years old.

We eat our leftovers and infrequently go out to eat. We meal plan and buy what’s on sale. That isn’t always what we want to eat.

Our family activities are the base movie theater, base pool, playgrounds, family runs, or an old school arcade where $7 gets us about an hours worth of play time.

Kids are in public school.

Clothes? Either only buy on steep discount or thrift.

Use the base gym for our non running workouts.

Haven’t bought a new video game in… for as long as I can remember.

iPhone is an iPhone 10, also used.

Furniture is used, except our couch and mattresses.

I am telling you it’s about choices. E-5 is a liveable wage especially with next to no healthcare costs. You’ve got to find some work too.
@holywalk Well for the first 6 months of the year I was in Nursing school full time, solo parenting our 2 sons with no support. Then, come summer had to stay home to watch our 5 year old son for summer break, come November we moved. Already had a job lined up prior to the move that I did on my own- things didn’t work out with that. I only can work between the hours of 9am-2pm, because you know kids and the lack of afterschool care in San Diego, and most employers aren’t military spouse friendly. Now, I’m in the on-boarding phase of a new job. Trust me, I’ve wanted to be back to work long ago!
We’re in CA, so of course it’s not enough, and living paycheck to paycheck.
@sweetheart1 While you’re in nursing school have you tried applying for FAFSA you mentioned having a kid and spouse being sole provider. I am stationed in CA I qualify for full amount of Pell grant and it’s $7380 annually. Might be something worth looking into.
@iowakid8401 That’s awesome! I’ll keep that in mind for when I go to go back. I was attending school in Ga on the Pell grant, then we moved. My plans are to go back once our debt is squared away
@holywalk Then name some off for me then,that more than willing to employee someone from the time frame of 9am-2pm M-F? I love that’s all you could get out of that. Please give me a min to acknowledge that I’m just a dependa that makes excuses for everything.

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