[MICHIGAN] I still have weeks to certify for but it’s not letting me?


New member
I still have 9 weeks to certify for l, but it’s not letting me. Under alerts, where I usually certify, there’s no alerts. Do we know when the extra $300 and the added weeks will kick in? Why can’t i certify right now? Thanks !
@jdmhadto There should be an alert at the top of the screen showing you how to certify. I can try to describe it. Basically on the Miwam homepage, you can see where it says your claim (PUA or other type), and the claim number. It should be a letter, a dash and then about 7 numbers. (Should look like example C-5893679). those claim numbers are links to the individual claims where you can certify
@13paxi34 the last one i was able to certify was the 26th. could it be because the extra weeks and such hasn’t gone through yet? but i still have weeks so i don’t know if that would apply to me /:
@jdmhadto Apparently from what I’ve been reading no one on UIA (pandemic unemployment) has been able to certify. I haven’t been able to personally and neither has my fiancé whose ran out the same date as yours. Even tho they gave us different instructions to certify by clicking your claim number, I haven’t been able to.
@jdmhadto To me it’s inexcusable that they’re doing us dirty again after most people having to wait for backpay (or still waiting) and having so many issues all last year. But yeah all we can do is be patient apparently and wait for them to implement the new law. In the meantime don’t refile, don’t make a new account or anything. Just keep checking your miwam. I haven’t called since after Christmas but this is just from all I’ve read.
@13paxi34 yeah so true. i had to call before christmas, took me about 30 or 40 times before i reached an actual person, because i had backpay. they could definitely be doing more. we’re in a pandemic and they only care about themselves
@jdmhadto I guess we all have to wait until the state unemployment agency ‘receives guidance’ on the new federal law. Michigan has not yet updated anything since the bill has been signed by the ‘president’
@jdmhadto Michigan here I’m in the same boat! Side note does anyone know if it will mess up my unemployment if I move out of state? The last job I had is still closed due to COVID.
@jdmhadto it’s okay, sorry for my tone, I’m just trying to get the info to everyone and it’s hard with so many threads every day. hopefully they make the update soon - just keep checking MiWAM everyday and seeing if they’ve made the update. keep clicking on your claim at the bottom (which is currently greyed out) to see if there’s any update in there too.
@laddersdoorskeys no worries at all, i understand the frustration.
i just made a post in the heat of all
my frustration and didn’t even think about checking. thank you for the info though and the replies. i hope so too
@jdmhadto I am hoping that we will be able to certify by monday like usual, just to give you some sense of a timeline... someone said somewhere that it says the site will be down for scheduled maintenance on the 15th... so maybe that’s when they’ll be doing it, or doing it over the weekend. it’s hard to know because they haven’t given any actual date for when we can expect this update to happen, it’s really all guesswork at this point. I’ve had to borrow money to get through the week.

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