[Michigan] Here's what worked for me


New member
I was having a lot of trouble getting ahold of an agent at unemployment for about 8 weeks. My claim said Pending Adjudication/Add Additional Docs. I JUST received my benefits. So I wanted to pass along everything I did in case it can help anyone else out. I tried a few different things and I'm not sure which one worked, so I'll post them all here.
  1. E-mail [CivilUSN@michigan.gov](mailto:CivilUSN@michigan.gov)
  2. E-mail [UIA-MiWAMIssues@michigan.gov](mailto:UIA-MiWAMIssues@michigan.gov)
  3. E-mail [LEO-CoronaVirus@michigan.gov](mailto:LEO-CoronaVirus@michigan.gov)
  4. E-mail You local representative [Find them here](https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative)
  5. Phone (866) 500-0017 Employee Line*
  6. Phone (855) 484-2636 Employer Line*
  7. MiWAM Account - Change preferences to Go Green and submit copy of ID and SS card (Even if you've already mailed it in)
* Call both lines, either agent can help you. Push 00114 to speak with an agent or when the automated message begins press 0. You'll hear, "I'm sorry, that was not a valid option" and it will begin again. Do this approximately 3 times until you hear, "I'm sorry you're having trouble, please wait while we transfer you to the next available agent.

I never did get through on the phone, so focus on the emails. I sent messages to all three email addresses, one to my representative, and uploaded on MiWAM on Wednesday. Saturday morning my account did not show pending adjudication anymore and under certifications it said benefits will be paid on 5/4.

I really hope this helps anyone who needs it.
@kkemerait Many states have waived work search requirements until now but are now starting to enforce them again. It is recommended you do the virtual career workshops here they count as work search activities and you get a certificate after completing each workshop which you can print and save in your work search folder for that week. It's all done online so no exposure to COVID-19. If you are ever audited you will have proof that you were serious about performing work search efforts

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