Metrobank Time Deposit now at 4.125%


New member
TIER 1 month 2 to 5 months 6 months to 1 year

10,000 - 49,999 4.125% 4.125% 4.125%

50,000 - 199,999 4.125% 4.125% 4.250%

200,000 - 499,999 4.125% 4.125% 4.250%

500,000 - 999,999 4.125% 4.125% 4.375%

1,000,000 - 4,999,999 4.250% 4.250% 4.375%

5,000,000 - 9,999,999 4.250% 4.250% 4.500%

10,000,000 - 19,999,999 4.250% 4.250% 4.500%

20,000,000 - 99,999,999,999 4.250% 4.250% 4.500%
@lili2707 Deyum these high interest rate is really kickin in na sa Time Deposits and Digital Bank Savings Account. Pero parang hindi pa ramdam sa credit cards and car loans dito sa atin noh? Same thing sa US yung interest rate nila dun ay mataas na pero may lagging effect of 1 year.
@saved123 Good point. Depositors need a TD % interest rate that is a) higher than inflation b) high enough to absorb taxes for withholding c) high enough to produce a remainder the TD holder can live on.

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