Mercury high gas bill despite not using heating at all.

@morehumble Give them a call with your meter reading. We moved into a new place recently and had the same issue because they had estimated gas use. Just be aware with gas there is a daily charge regardless whether you use it or not.
@morehumble I've never heard of power as low as 80 bucks for 4 people. At least not in the last five years 😅😅 its gotta be that your hot water is on gas.
@morehumble Is it based on an actual read or an estimate? If it’s an estimate you can either provide an actual read or wait for it to adjust next month when the meter is read. Don’t forget line charges are usually at least $35 of the bill too.
@morehumble Check your gas meter. Mine was broken and was counting units in tens rather than ones.

Turn all gas appliances off. Check it’s not moving. Turn one thing on, check how much it uses.
@morehumble That is a low bill tbh. Gas is a little higher than I'd expect but electricity much lower.

Check next month's bill and see how it compares, and check if the gas bill says it was estimated.

You probably have $40+ of daily charges for gas for a month, also often billing periods may not match up between gas and elec e.g. may have been a 40 day gas bill and 28 day elec bill.

As has been said, likely gas water heating, this usually makes up around 1/3rd of energy use(on average) and could be more if people have long hot showers.

Either way, $215 for a months energy for 4 people isn't something to complain about.
@morehumble Look up pictures of instantaneous gas water heaters - typically Rinnai. Walk round the outside of your house to see if you can see one. Get someone else to turn on the hot tap and it should fire up.

Otherwise you would need to have a hot water cylinder inside which will either be set on a timer, or you do it manually - have you got one of those?
@morehumble Is your previous reading an estimated reading this reading an actual? It may be a catch up bill (I work in utilities and worked for Mercury previously as well)
@morehumble It's the gas connection! It's most of our gas bill. It's at the point for us it's more affordable to switch hob an shot water out for electric so we can stop paying the connection! It's going up and up to force people to switch to greener!

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