[Massachusetts] No unemployment payment for almost three weeks


New member
I work a union job. I was laid off on Wednesday 9/27 and applied for unemployment the next day, and submitted my request Sunday. I received $300. The next Sunday I submitted again and received nothing. I assumed that was my week of wait. On the third Sunday I submitted again and it’s now Tuesday and still nothing. Under payment status for both weeks it just says “hold.” Any idea what’s going on? I tried calling and haven’t been able to get through to anyone.
@pandahat Is this your original claim? Or did you reopen your claim on 9/28? Maybe your claim year ended? Did you report wages when you submitted for the weekending 9/30?
@pandahat Good Morning,

I have had the same issue with my claim (also work in a union.) I have been able to collect for the past 12 weeks with no issues and then I was sent a notification via my inbox regarding ID documentation that need to be uploaded to the system to which I uploaded immediately however my payments have been on hold for 3 weeks? Were you asked to submit ID verification documents as well? When I called customer service I was unable to get through and was disconnected. Its frustrating.

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